Showing posts with label human design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label human design. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Emotional Authority: Waiting For Clarity?

I've been put in the position where I can make a decision to let someone into my life.

This is very stressful. Since I'm defined in my Emotional Solar Plexus, and I'm in my 3rd year of radical commitment to following my Strategy & Authority (S&A), I'm actually going to wait this out.

This is harder than I first realized.
For me, it's not so much that I'm "waiting to be clear" about this; but that I'm waiting until there are less waves being set off every time I come close to this situation. Until the ripples in my emotions settle down to something far less turbulent.

At the same time, I feel pressured to make the decisions to talk to these people involved in this deal. I've asked for time and I notice they keep emailing me. The sensation of not being heard isn't helpful.

And if you notice, I have gate 29 in the Sacral (the red square), it's the gate of Saying Yes. My go to, is just to go with the flow and go ahead and say yes right now, and then take it slow. It's so tempting.

I have to remember that TIME IS MY FRIEND. It's hard to remember, I'm not only conditioned but part of my design is to just jump into things (gates 6.2 the Kamikaze and gate 36 that loves a charming crisis and runs head first into them).

I suppose one wave that gets triggered is that if I wait, then when I'm ready to reach out, the people won't still be there; that I'll be abandoned again.  Now that I even write out that sentence, it makes the situation feel more like something I can handle.  Like, that can't be true, they won't have left. Again. Right?

All right, back to Human Design Hawaii's video to the millionth time.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Rave ABC's 2013: Week 1

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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

It's my 35th Natal Day!!!

Today's my birthday and I've been agonizing about whether or not to post my real age on my cam site....and I've decided I will.  I'll represent horny hot 35 year old women, why not?  Most of my money comes from mom-son role play anyway....

He's my solar return chart thanks to Cinzia Mastrosimone:

I'm not too clear on how to read solar return charts in Human Design.  I plan to start the Rave ABC's course next Monday the 23rd.

Friday, July 26, 2013

4th Line Design, Unconsciously Social

Here's a little refresher on the 4th line:

This is where we move into the upper trigram of the 6 lined hexagram.  This is where the mechanics begin to shift.  The upper trigram is transpersonal, rather than personal, and it's more of an outer directed process.  There is an essential need to share with others.

Line 4 is the Opportunist, it's external, it's friendly.  Like the 1st line, it's the foundation of the second floor of the "house" metaphor of the hexagram.  The foundation here is concerned with human resources, having a social network, and transpersonal relationships.  The 4th line can be very influential in it's network, here lies it's opportunities.  The image of "brotherhood" or "sisterhood"  is the theme.  The binary here is kindness/meanness.  The sphere of influence is connected to those who have already established friendship, rather than strangers (that's more 5th line territory).  

I'm a 2/4 and currently I have so very few friends in my own area.  It seems all my friends live online.  I only have my husband and my mother in the area I live in...and it's been this way since I moved here in 2007...  It's so difficult to make friends in Virginia Beach; when I lived in California the people there were so friendly, it was so easy to establish a group of friends.  I'm still in touch with those people, but only online.  

I've recently joined an all female stripper/pole dancing gym, which I love!  I can kinda feel that I'll make a friend friend there, I can feel it starting.  BUT, I have to relax and just let things happen.  I've been so lonely for so long and I can kinda feel my open root wanting to rush into things, but for now, it's only a movie I that, I mean, I'm not rushing or instigating conversations, but I notice the old conditioning flowing up.  These days I'm so used to the S and A of mine (Wait to Respond and Emotional Authority), that I can really respect that the world will come to me with some patience.  

And I say I'm lonely, but I can see how my loneliness is a very 2/4 type of loneliness.  I'm a Hermit, and I do need lots of alone time.  And I'm a 4th line, which can be prone to burnout, so there, too, I take time for myself; add to that the procrastinating defined Emotional Solar Plexus, and I'm hard to get.  I'm the kind of friend that you really have to reach out to me to get me to go out.  It'll take me 3 months to return a phone call.  But after years and years and years of no network, no aura to aura network....ughhh...really between's taking it's toll.  So, I'm very happy to have joined a gym, very happy it's all women, since I'm married....can't wait to make a friend in this area.  Someone enthusiastic about poling, or at least dancing all sleazy!

I'm reading through Lynda Bunnell's "The Definitive Book of Human Design" and see the as an unconscious 4th line it's important for me to be "called" into the right network in order to be nourished & for my influence to be contagious, in the right way.  4th lines are spreaders in every way, of ideas and disease.  And as I'm a 2/4, I move between being a depleter/nourisher.

I've gotten into the wrong network before, just got into a situation completely incorrectly.  When I was offered all these invitations by a projector and took him up on it, even though I was super nervous, even though I just jumped right into it without giving myself any time.  Ended up not being able to pay rent and others paid for me; even though eventually I paid people back, the whole situation was tiresome and kinda ugly.  So, I'm very careful now of really giving myself time, checking in to see how nervous I am of situations (Emotional Authority).  I feel that situation got ugly, because normally I'm the generous one (2/4's are know for being very generous), paying for others, tipping big, etc.  

I just have to wait for my new network.  Patience is a virtue.  I'd love to be able to afford to go to something like the HD Immersion in Arizona this September.  I guess some other year...

"The 4th line is about the human resources of the material plane; people are the biggest decisions and investments they make in their life." Ra Uru Hu.

Come chat with me, sign up is free, sign up through me:

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

7 Centered Strategies

A discussion popped up on Facebook about whether or not to keep "working" on a relationship. Now, I'm married and I've had relationships in the past...but I've never felt the "work" part in relationships. I'm in or I'm out. But I've seen enough talk shows to get what people are saying.

Then Leela Swan Herbert had this to say: "Something to consider, perhaps, or not's not about 'working' on the is about discovering one's own self, becoming who we are designed to be...and if someone can support that process, honor it, witness it, be available to discuss the experience of it - then there is the possibility of relating. Relationships are a 7 centered construct, a contractual, strategic bond designed as a specific conditioning field with a particular goal (creating and raising children, business partners, survival strategies...) really isn't a question if someone knows if they want to work on the relationship or not - are you/they engaged in their process of experimenting with their design, with living who you are?" Leela

Working on things as a 7 centered strategy in a 9 centered world is an outmoded concept, what an idea?! I'm one of many objects in motion in this multiverse, there are people and events in my happy to be aware of STRATEGY & AUTHORITY and keep getting opportunities to use this method of decision making.....that slowly morphs into seeing how "I" have no choice, I'm simply skating along, swimming along, effortlessly. SIGN UP IS FREE, SIGN UP THROUGH ME. This is a Camgirl site I work at 😘 and you can talk me any time!there

Thursday, June 23, 2011

HD: Channel of Discovery 46/29

The Channel of Discovery – 46-29, links the Sacral Center through the 46, the Gate of Pushing Upward, to the 29, the Gate of The Abysmal in the G Center. In the traditional I Ching the 29th gate is known as the abysmal. It is the deep within the deep. The 46th gate is pushing upwards into the kingdom of heaven, in the ancient language. The 46th gate has the knack of being physically in the right place at the right time. The 29 is the Gate of perseverance that is enhanced by responding "yes" to what is correct.

In the traditional I Ching the 29th gate is known as the abysmal. It is the deep within the deep. This is not abysmal as in being terrible or negative. It is about the sacral center being a never ending well of energy. On the other end of the channel you have the 46th gate which is endlessly high. In the I Ching the 46th gate is pushing upwards into the kingdom of heaven.

Imagine a line going from the center of the earth to the ends of heaven. Since the 46 is in the G center it is about the Self being in the right place. Since the 29 is in the sacral center it is about having an unlimited amount of energy to get to that right place. This channel then, is about understanding that if you are totally absorbed in a process, you are exactly in the right place at exactly the right time. This channel can then bring transformation through a total commitment. It is called the Channel of Discovery because this place and time is an ongoing process of Discovery.

Anyone with the 29 has a built-in availability and tendency to say "yes" to almost any situation, which can result in them up giving away their energy, wholesale. Thus, it is critical that they commit from their own authority, and in so doing find themselves committed to "succeeding where others fail." Perhaps the greatest lesson for someone with the 29 -- 46 channel is that when they have committed to an experience from a clear sacral response, is that they will proceed totally with the experience, regardless of other, particularly mental, considerations. Herein lies their success. 

In other words, anyone with this channel must be careful to commit based upon their sacral response and their Authority. Once committed they will have to finish the experience no matter how long it may take – even years. Remember that in the Abstract circuitry one learns from experience – after the experience is over.  They have got to wait until the experience is over to be able to see if anything was discovered. While it is happening you can only follow your strategy. In the big picture, no matter what happens, through failure and success if you are following your strategy you will always be in the right place at the right time because you will come out of it with the right kind of experience that you can share.---from a Lecture by Ra

On a forum somewhere I saw someone asking about the channel of the ''seeker,'' the 11/56 from the Ajna to the Throat.  This person was asking if there was a channel of ''finding'' if one could ''seek.'' With Human Design there is so much symmetry, of course there is a channel of ''finding,'' it's called the Channel of Discovery. 

I was asked by Angela to describe having this channel in my own experience.  I can say that after I found out I had this channel, that I transmit this kind of frequency, I was delighted and not at all surprised.  It's a subtle thing, but I do notice I have a real kind of ''success'' in my relationships.  For example, with previous boyfriends of mine, I would notice that their entire attitude about themselves would change in the course of us dating.  Things they didn't really know they were good at would really come out; I can be a kind of cheerleader in a way. 

Then, for whatever reason, we would break up and they'd date someone else....and they would be surprised that that magic was gone.  They were no longer able to achieve the same results with other people.  And, we'd get back together for a short time...and I'd laugh when I'd hear what kind of mini adventure they tried to go on without me.  (I used to have open relationships, so it was common for me to stay friends with lovers after our relationship).  Again, this is a subtle I could sense but never pinpoint.  I just figured I was giving guys big heads or something, complimenting them too much and I should tone it down. 

I definitely have always sensed that I'm often in the right place at the right time doing or saying the right phrase.  This is something I notice after the fact, not during.  Always later, when it comes to mind what I've just been through.

There is a real love of the body with this channel, coming from the G center...I've always been a very physical person.  I love stretching and have been doing yoga since I was 11...and this love of the physical goes to the other end of the spectrum, the extremes of the sensual.

This channel, along with the 59/6 (sacral to sp) and the 15/5 (sacral to G) and the 11/56 (ajna to throat) blend together, for me, for what I can see now, to create an intense curiosity about sex and people and a real success with having some intense non-homogenized  style relationships.

The thing I love about knowing I really for real have this channel, is it's serendipitous nature.  I've always felt like I've really been in sync with being in the right place, or ''lucky,'' but I couldn't tell if it was just my perspective....not that that's a bad thing either.  Having a positive perspective, the ability to look back and see how awesome something ended up being isn't a bad thing.

I'm not sure, but I feel this channel also prevents some of my Open Splenic fears from getting the best of me.  I mean, this could also give a kind of fool-hardiness as well....but having a strong UH-UH/YES factor in my chart is awesome....can't explain it, I just feel it!  Now that I'm more informed about my Strategy and Authority, I'm even more excited the kind of places I'll end up seeing and finding because of this channel.

Monday, June 13, 2011

HD: Notes On The Pulse Mechanism

The great, wonderful, informative site HumanDesign.Com has been taken down. Big sad face : (

I'm trying to go through my notes and see what I saved. I am praying that Gennaro Brooks-Church decides to do something with all the wonderful files from that site!

Note on the Pulse Mechanism

The format energy of this channel has a frequency that is a pulse (On-Off-On-Off), and the mutation actually takes place in between the pulse. It occurs in the unknown moment, in between the fingers, in between the notes.

Imagine if we cast a giant strobe on the earth as it hurdles through space. When the strobe is turned on, the earth is illuminated but when the strobe is off there is nothing but black space. As the earth moves 107,300 km/h (or 67,062 miles/hr) it actually looks stationary when the strobe freezes it in time. Yet each time the earth is lit up it is in a different place. This is because it mutates during the blackness.

This is how the Knowing circuit group works. Mutation changes without notice. Since all of the Format channels are an accentuation of their circuit group's main themes, this pulse mutation is especially strong in the Format channel 3-60.

Friday, June 3, 2011

HD: Living Your Design

I began taking the Living Your Design (LYD) course last week and now I understand why it's recommended for beginners.  Truly, if you are interested in HD and you have a million questions, it's best to start learning it from the beginning.  It seems obvious, but I know it took me long enough to get started on formally taking the courses.

At first, I suppose the price kept me away.  I've found that if you write to Human Design America, or wherever you decide to take these beginner courses, and let them know your financial situation, they will work with you.  Just ask and you can receive.  That's what I did and after a 6 year wait, now I'm taking the course.  It's a shame too that I waited so long to just ask about payments, because if you are under 30, there's a discount.  So, I missed out on that by 2 years, lol.  (Also, there's a discount if you are a Projector, no matter the age)

There is so much to learn about our unique designs and the designs of those we interact with everyday and Human Design is set up so that we can all enjoy what it offers!

Human Design America: Human Design Courses

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Free Human Design Webgroups

Just wanted everyone to know there are two different  free study groups, twice a week, that gets together!  We look at charts, answer questions, and delve into all that Human Design has to offer.

There is a group at 1 pm EST every Monday.

There is a group at 12 pm EST every Thursday.

Go to the link below:

Just type in your name and nothing in the password line to enter.

Monday, May 2, 2011

What Is Human Design?

by Ra Uru Hu, founder of The Human Design System

"The Human Design System is not a belief system. It does not require that you believe in anything. It does not require that you believe in me. It is not stories. It is not philosophy. It is a concrete map to the nature of being. It is a logical way in which we can see ourselves.

With Human Design, just knowing the simple mechanics of your design is enough to make a vast difference in your life. The irony of what it is to be a human being is that we're caught at the surface of understanding and accepting our nature and the cosmos around us. We are just at the surface. It doesn't matter how intelligent we are. It doesn't matter the labels that we attach to that intelligence - whether we call it "enlightened" or whether we call it "genius". There is a vast underlying ignorance of how our bodies operate.
The Human Design System is a reading of your genetic code. This ability to be able to detail the mechanics of our nature in such depth is obviously profound because it reveals our complete nature in all its subtleties. However, it is not necessary for you to know Human Design in great depth. That is the job of the professional analyst.

What this work aspires to communicate is simply the surface mechanics of your nature. That will give you grounding in your life that is immediately going to bring a difference to your life process.

These essential truths are simple because they are mechanical. The way in which our genes operate is purely mechanical, and the moment we try to interfere with their operation we descend into a life of confusion, chaos, and pain. In the end, our genes will have their way.

We are passengers in these bodies. We are passenger consciousness experiencing life going by. Buddha taught that the body is not yours. It is not. Yet at the same time, we are totally dependent on it. This is the tragedy of a sick body. We are totally dependent on our vehicles. To learn how to operate them properly immediately brings benefits. This is not complex and it will not be in complex language. It is very straightforward and very logical. It is accessible to anyone of any age. It is knowledge for the world.

In my teaching of Human Design and the training of Human Design analysts, students of mine have ranged from fourteen years old to being well into their eighties. There is no limitation and there is no barrier denying anyone from grasping these essential truths about themselves. This is not simply about saying, "Aha, I'm this or I'm that". This is not just another profiling system. It is about having the opportunity to do something with the knowledge. It is about being able to be able to act on it and experiment with its logic. This brings the remarkable experience of finding and ultimately living one's true life.

Glossary Of Human Design Terms

Friday, April 8, 2011

HD: Emotional Solar-Plexus Center Waves

The way Gate 6 is described, it doesn't sound like a WAVE. He describes it as a motor that idles or stalls. That isn't a WAVE, that's mechanics. Does anyone get this metaphor? Is there anything anyone can share with me about this Gate? My sun is there and my earth is in 36, 36 is a WAVE...a wave's wave, really. And I get that....but Gate 6 is simply a motor that's on or off, do I have that right?


A Wave
The emotional center goes up and down in a biochemical wave. This wave can be a few seconds long or several years. A defined solar plexus will have millions of waves intertwined. Each circuit has a distinct wave style. The three streams are the tribal, individual and collective, with the keynotes Need/Passion/Desire respectively. Furthermore, each channel has minor emotional keynotes:

19/49 NEED


30/36 DESIRE


The tribal wave slowly builds and crashes quickly . Imagine a family that works hard to build a good life. Things are going good, life is getting better. And then one day somebody is hit by a car. From one moment to the next the emotions crash. 

The tribal emotional keynote is Need. The most basic theme underlying need is sensitivity (19-49). These are the most most sensitive or insensitive or oversensitive beings beings on the planet. Their sensitivity builds slowly, but can plummet very quickly and they become insensitive to your needs, for example. 

The (49/37) is the ratchet/snap wave. Ratcheting is two steps forward and one step back. Like a car stuck in snow or ditch, rocking back and forth to build momentum to get out of the spot. If you say something they feel is insensitive you may not get a reaction in the moment. It takes time to build, to ratchet up to a point of snapping. They take it in and sit with it but inside it is building up, and then with no real event of consequence, maybe a slight transgression or look, they snap. Their emotions explode.

The 59/6, although tribal, is an exception. It works as an idle/stall stall energy. In this case the crash is a stall. For example, since this is the channel of intimacy, stalling creates the pleasure of orgasm. It is the reopening and the returning on of the motor that floods the being with pleasure after a slow build up to climax. This channel is an exception becuase the 6th gate actually embodies all three of the other wave energies.


The individual (55/22) passion is vastly different from need. Need is need in the basic sense. If you want to see what human being really need in this life then go to the source of need (19) and you’ll see the need for proper resources, shelter, god, food, and partner is all there. If you do not have this it immediately creates problems in the tribe. 

But passion is not about need. Passion is rubbing two sticks together and building a fire that’s so hot, it cracks the rocks underneath. Passion does not burn like an immediate fire like desire. Passion often starts very cool. This is a channel of emoting and putting the emotion out. The 39-55 is born theatrics like Marlon Brando. It is about getting the emotions out.

The wave of the individual is spike/lock. It is difficult to read the emotional quality of the individual. Almost all are operating in a lock state. The nature of where that lock is goes back to the very beginning of their process in this life. Individuals don’t really wave, they spike and when they spike, they lock. 

If a 39-55 child has a traumatic experience when they are young they can end up with a locked frequency at a certain level and may stay slightly below or above this level that is considered a norm and it is very hard to read them. 

The passion and its connection to the lock are at the very mystery of romantic love. The passion can build to such a point that one is locked into that passion. This is where you have the tradition of unrequited love. You spend a lifetime enthralled and adoring somebody you can never have and yet not feeling unfulfilled. 

When you are dealing with individuality and mutation, there is a deep potential for depression. This is a deeply creative process leading up to the 12th gate. It is possible for individuals to be locked into deep spikes and never recover. There are many examples of creative beings who get locked into deep melancholies and depressions.


Desire (30/36) is not passion and doesn’t have a chance to grow. Desire must never be confused with need. It is one of the mysteries of the human experiential way that beneath the motor there is no consciousness. It is just a motor and part of the magnificence of the choicelessness of being. 

The collective way shows us that we have no choice but to go from inexperience to experience, driven by desire. There is no choice at all. What is so dynamic in the nature of desire is that this is the crash and explode wave. There is nothing like the explosion at the end of a crash wave. 

Not all of this has to be so dramatic. Many emotional beings regardless of their level of awareness begin to recognize the impact of their emotional field one way or the other. Many of these beings feel guilty for being emotional. The solar plexus center is one of the great binaries. It has horror and the absolute of the pleasure that it can bring. Unfortunately there is so much not-self emotional, no truth in the now blundering on the planet and we all have to live with the aftermath of it. 

The process of desire is never about satisfaction. It can never be satisfied. Satisfaction is logical. It’s in the 18-58. You can never be satisfied if you are ruled by desire. It can only bring you more desire. Without it we would still be hunter/gathers. The desire drives us forward at a great pace.

Solar Plexus Center-Gennaro

Monday, April 4, 2011

HD: Superhero Profiling by Genoa

After 6 years of being a Human Design enthusiast, I finally got my chart interpreted!  It's so rare that I get a reading for fact, I've never gotten a professional astrology reading, I just became an astrologer.  And so, here is an excerpt from my reading with Genoa Bliven, head of Human Design America.

I can respond to have intimate relations to go through emotional clarification so that I can be in the flow and succeed in going through crisis and transition with other people, that that's all part of the creative flow.  I can respond and engage with other people and emotionally evaluate that response to see whether I can discover how to be in the flow in this rhythm with other people in order to succeed and going through catharsis and make progress through crisis.  I keep growing and keep developing and this is what people get when they connect with me.

Split Conditioning: 35, 22, 7, 8

Who is open?  Look to see who is open as opposed to me being the one who is open (22).  I can become the expert on who is open.  I can become the expert on who can make progress through the crisis (35).  I have the influence and curiosity about who can succeed and be a leader, I'm the kingmaker.  I can lend my success and influence to this person (7).  These splits are where I can exercise my authority.  I will help this leader (7) to succeed, I will help this person represent creativity in the world (8), I will help this person be more open than they are (22), because I can feel the potential of their openness.  I will help this person make progress (35), I will get to make progress with them.  It's all about partnership and relationship.

All I need to do is be in the flow, know that I'm here to succeed and be intimate, and wait until people ask me...then I'm hard to get, that's my strategy.  Got nothing to prove, don't need to be in a hurry in a manner that provokes people, because I bonded with them before I was ready.  I don't need to make spontaneous decisions.

I'm not here to be the one who helps everyone make progress with their crisis, I have my own crisis (36).  I need someone who can see that and be aware of my crisis and lend a hand with the progress to be made (35--BoB).  And I'll help them succeed beyond their wildest expectations.  I am super curious about all of that.

I make decisions about the open areas of my chart.  I make decisions about those things from my Sacral, this is the first step, and the Solar-Plexus as the second step in the process.  Depth, taking a lot of time, then I can be that teacher, then I can be the person who has been sufficiently cautious in order to teach them, in order to be the Prophetess and the High Priestess to help them make a leap.  To succeed at making a leap.  I can be the coach, the teacher of the leader.  I would be coach and the teacher of the person who will help us make progress through the crisis.  And I get success at making progress through the crisis through being able to teach them.

I can realize Eden by realizing who is calling me?  Am I willing, am I able to respond to them?  Can I teach them?  Are they promising material?  Are they asking me in a way that seems authentic?  Do they understand emotional process and what going through things emotionally is all about?  In that case, yes, I can be in the flow, I can succeed with this person.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

HD: Channel Names

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Human Design Community

I have noticed the recent increase in traffic to this blog, and I have to guess that it is to do with all of the Human Design information.  I would love to know if this is true or not, and I'm ready to hear responses to any of the information collected in the comment sections below.

I would also like to leave some Facebook links where discussions about this topic are taking place for those interested in learning more.  There really is plenty of free information out here, online and as part of conversations on message boards.  I have been practicing my strategy for 6 years and still have not had a Foundation reading.  Would love one, but I never have the money to spend.  If there are scholarships or a way to pay in monthly installments for a Foundation reading, it would be great if someone would let me know!  : )

Human Design Interactive

International Human Design School


Tarot Lecture With Layouts   (I fixed this link)

This is something that's obviously been on my mind, but I am thinking more along the lines of doing a spread in the shape of the Centers and reading energetically from there.

Psychic Power Network  Shannon Rae  ID 63153, Give Me A CALL!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Human Design: Profiles

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Human Design: Generator Strategy

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Monday, February 28, 2011

Human Design: The Sexual Streams

I'm making my way through the Sex Manual and wanted to leave some notes here, mixed with the Chetan Parkyn article:

Sex is emotional and emotions are sex. Sex runs through a Motor, not an Awareness center.  The Splenic center, an Awareness center, has the mirror image of the sexual streams, through the Splenic runs the Caring streams, runs what can sustain a sexual relationship.  First, here's the Sexual Streams.

3 Streams of Sex: the Marriage/Tribal Stream, the Romance/Individual Stream
& the Excitement/Collective Stream

We all have 64 gates and 9 centers, the lack of definition is where we are open.  We all have a sexual side.  Some of us have definition, some of us are open sexually.  The less amount of activations of sex, through these streams, the more intrigue/curiosity with sex.  We want what we are not, the more we can tend to ''hold on.''  The areas where we have definition, we're consistent.

Marriage/Tribal Stream

Each stream has it's own sense, touching, hearing, seeing.  The tribal stream of marriage is all about the Touch.  Words mean very little in a stream with no connection to the throat.  From the Root at Gate 19 to the Emo SP at Gate 49 & Gate 37, leading up to the Ego at Gate 40.

Food and Sex are very intertwined.  In the Tribal/Marriage realm, it's about who has the food, not so much the eating it.  Who has the food/sex, where's it getting distributed, all those contracts and bargains.

Gate 19 - Gate 49 Channel of Sensitivity
Gate 19 is the flirt, Gate 49 has the resources.  Here we see the channel of the Bride and Groom, the flirtation  before marriage, the setting up of the marriage, the preliminaries.

Gate 37 - Gate 40 Channel of Marriage
Gate 37 is the gate of Friendship, gate of the mouth.  Gate 40 is the gate of aloneness, the gate of the stomach.  This is the marriage contract itself.

Tribal sexuality can become very creative.  It's very sensual.  Ra brings up an important point here that sex can become very oral, and reach beyond penis-in-vagina sex, because most of the world has a issue of fecundity.  In order to prevent pregnancy, there's a lot of sexuality that can be found in this stream that goes beyond procreation.

Romance/Individual Stream

This is the Romance/Individual Stream.  From the Root at Gate 39 to the Emo Solar Plexus at Gate 55 & Gate 22 through to the Throat at Gate 12.

This stream loves words, there's a connection to the throat.  What happens here is the pulse mechanism, it's individual, the creativity is either On or Off.  The feeling here is based on ''I''.  As in, ''I feel good or bad because I'm being        . (picky sexually, strange sexually, limited sexually, etc.)  And the words mean more than the actions.  This is a stream where Romantic Love is highlighted.  Sex is Love, not a commodity like the Tribal Love/Sex and not just another Collective exciting experience.  Consummation is best pushed aside in favor of love songs, poetry, etc.

Excitement/Collective Stream

This is the collective sex, all about ''sharing'' with the collective.  This is visual, so that the sex can be remembered, and shared.  Starting at the Root at Gate 41connecting up to the Emotional Solar Plexus at Gate 30 & Gate 36 to the Throat at Gate 35.

And insatiable drive to keep moving forward.  Sex here is very exciting with the focus on the expereience itself rather than the person or people involved. 

Blame can be found in the collective stream.  Where we see the ''I'' being highlighted in the Individual stream, the ''You'' is highlighted in the Collective.  ''I feel this way because you    

Chetan Parkyn HDS Article 4 :

''The marriage and property sex stream runs from the root center, through the emotional center to the ego/willpower center. It moves energetically through the realms of loving, honoring, marrying and obeying. It is based in a contract of who fulfills what and who belongs to whom in a relationship. It is very tactile, as in holding and touching and is also community oriented, in that everyone knows who "belongs" to whom (and in certain cultures, what they had to pay to get them!).

The Romance and disillusionment sex stream runs from the root center through the emotional center to the throat, where it speaks out in "sweet nothings" and poetry. Consummation of romance is the trial because the chase is more engaging than the culmination. This stream is acoustically oriented, based in sounds and sighs, therefore our love songs promise a perfection which is perhaps just unobtainable.

The excitement and disappointment sex stream draws us through experiences one after the other. This is the stream of the Kama Sutra where every fantastic possibility must be explored. The need for fulfillment of desire may be felt as impersonal, where the experience itself is more important than the other person involved in the experience. Desire can even burn out in a state of boredom when all conceivable eventualities have been explored. With advancing age and maturity, the need to constantly fulfill changing experiences diminishes.

Accepting our sexual nature

In each of these sacral connections and sexual streams it can be seen that we are drawn along through the possibilities of pleasures and the possibilities of dissatisfaction. We are slaves to our biology when sexual energy runs us, making our choices for us. However, when we are clear about our own relationship to our own sexuality, we feel an inner sense of satisfaction and balance.

Sexual compatibility begins with recognizing our own personal unique sexual makeup and then allowing for a merging with the energies of our partner. Sexual energy plays through many forms. It is the life force which moves within us and life is our nature and our delight.'' 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Human Design: Type Differentiation

Why A Type Is It's Type
from Jakub Stritezsky's work at

I was having trouble figuring out the difference between what makes a Manifestor vs. a Projector, since a Projector can have a defined throat and it was appearing to me how similar they here's a quick run down.

The Manifestor

In the bodygraph a Manifestor's throat center will be connected by a channel(s) to at least one of the body's 'motor' centers (except the Sacral), i.e. connection must be directly or indirectly to the root, the heart or the solar plexus. The fourth motor, the sacral, has to be open otherwise the person is a generator.
Manifestors are pure energy beings.

A surprisingly small fraction of the world population (only 8%) are Manifestors.
They are specifically designed not to be controlled by anyone. They are the only true initiators. They simply act or put things directly into action. But they need to inform those who will be affected by their actions what they are about to do before they act. When they act without informing, they meet resistance because the people involved in the consequences of their actions can feel ignored, or feel like they have been run over by a truck! As a result Manifestors can end up feeling very cut off from people.

In spite of the fact that most of us think we would love to be Manifestors (because we are conditioned to think we are Manifestors), being a Manifestor can have its own challenges. Many Manifestors have had to struggle to learn how to use their power appropriately and may be conditioned to hide their power or suppress it. Manifestors must learn how to channel their energy properly or they will face tremendous resistance in life. Properly channeled, Manifestor energy often gives the other four Types something to respond to.

So many of our habits and accepted generalizations are created by and fit for Manifestors. You are the ones - the only ones - who really can go out and make things happen. As children this happens as soon as they can reach the doorknob. You are designed to be an unstoppable force that will not allow anyone to control you. If there is something you want, go and get it, as it will not come to you (be it a job, partner etc.) - just listen to your authority. You have the potential to shape the world the way you want it to be. On an energy level you have a very deep impact on others, but your aura doesn't communicate as much as the auras of other types. That's why people often don't know what to think about you. It creates un unconscious fear in them and they try to control you from the moment you were born. This leads you to your predominant negative feeling – anger. The secret of success for you lies in communication. The way to operate correctly for you as a Manifestor is to inform. Inform those that are going to be impacted by your actions about what you're going to do. In this way, others will not be so intimidated by you. They may actually help you and put their energy into whatever it is that you have initiated. Then you can find what you are looking for - PEACE.

Predominant negative feeling: Anger

Primary positive feeling: Peace (when living according to correct strategy)

Strategy: Inform Before Acting

The Generator

Generators are simple to identify, if you see the Sacral Center defined in red, then you see a Generator.

The majority of the population (about 70%) are generators. All generators have a defined sacral center. They are designed to respond to life. Unlike Manifestors they have no idea of where they are going until they respond. Therefore they have to wait until life initiates them first. Generators are potentially the most powerful of all the types, but unless they understand how they work, they are the most frustrated people alive. They only know what is right for them to do or say by their response to something. Their response comes from deep in their abdomen and is most often in non-verbal sounds: "unun", "ahunh", "mmmmm", “ahhhhhh" etc. If they initiate, they often get involved in the wrong things, meet resistance, get frustrated and quit.

Sacral is a tremendous energy generator (hence the name) that gives you all the energy you need to do things, anything you enter into correctly. For Generators, life is all about RESPONSE. Instead of chasing after life, let the life come to you. Your aura, like a powerful magnet, brings to you everything you need to fulfill your purpose. Sacral can not initiate, it can only respond. The only truth is that which comes to you through your response. Without responding, you will end up deeply frustrated.

SATISFACTION is the key word for Generators. You need to be selfish; it's all about self satisfying work. Do only what brings you satisfaction. Your life is all about doing what you love and only that shows you who you are and brings you happiness. In words of a renowned anthropologist Joseph Campbell: "Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors for you where there were only walls."

If you initiate, if you don't respond and enter into things incorrectly, you get the theme of frustration and want to get out, quit. Your energy is cut off and you end up feeling depleted, tired or frustrated.

Predominant negative feeling: Frustration

Primary positive feeling: Satisfaction

Strategy: Wait To Respond

Manifesting Generator

Manifesting Generators are Manifestors with a Generator strategy. They have an endless resource of energy as they have at least one motor connected directly to the throat. Generally they love to be in the thick of life. Their greatest dilemma is to learn that their true power lies in waiting for opportunities to come to them. If they actively try to pursue their goals and dreams they will encounter only resistance and pain. When they relax, then their lives can be poetry in motion.

There are two subcategories of generators, pure Generators and Manifesting Generators, both comprising of about 35% of the world population. The main difference between them is that, after responding to something, manifesting generators can act more quickly than pure generators. Manifesting Generators do things very quickly and are even more tempted to initiate (not waiting for something to respond to). They are very efficient and skip that, which is not important. But in doing so, they also often skip something essential and then they need to go back to it.

Predominant negative feeling: Frustration (combined with anger)

Primary positive feeling: Satisfaction

Strategy: Wait To Respond


I've included two types of Projector charts here, one has an open Throat Center, and one has a defined Throat Center.

What I see is that a Projector can have defined motors (except for the Sacral, this would make a Generator) as long as they are not connected to the throat. For a Projector to have a defined Throat Center, it would have to come through and awareness center: Splenic Center or the Ajna Center. No Sacral definition and no Motor to Throat definition.

If you are a Projector, you are not here to work. You are here to know others, to recognize and guide them. But that can only happen if you yourself are 1) recognized and 2) invited to do so.

Projectors (about 21% of the population) are naturally able to work with and guide the energy of others, but only when they are recognized for their unique abilities and traits. Projectors know that they are recognized and appreciated when they receive an appropriate invitation. Without an invitation, the projector does not know if they will be able to put their talents and abilities to use in any way that is natural or healthy for them. They are people whose specific gift is to work with and guide the energy of others. They alone can understand both Manifestors and generators. They also have a design to wait, and the key that unlocks their power is recognition. Unless they are recognized, they are powerless. Once they are recognized, they can achieve almost anything. Projectors need more knowledge of their own inner design than Manifestors and generators in order to know what invitations are good for them. When they are recognized for who they really are according to their specific design, they come into their true power. If they attempt to act or to join in without an invitation, they meet resistance and are not recognized by others.

Projectors fear that they will not be invited. But if you follow your strategy of waiting for the invitation, what happens is that your aura's frequency starts to change and the more you live according to your design, the more invitations you get. This will bring you SUCCESS. Once invited, you don't need to wait for any more invitations regarding whatever you were invited to (project, job, relationship etc.). Just follow your authority in doing what you do and don't initiate. The invitation, correct entry into anything, is the key. The feeling of being recognized, appreciated, heard and seen. Is it there? Great. If not, you may stop talking in mid sentence and save yourself yet one more disappointment of not being understood.

Projectors are the eternal students of humanity and system masters. You need to have a system through which you can relate and understand life. Projectors often have the need to study Human Design deeply in order to gain the intellectual understanding of how they are to operate correctly. Projectors are the only type who can really know what's going on.

Predominant negative feeling: Bitterness

Primary positive feeling: Success

Strategy: Wait for all special invitations in life: marriage, career, family, love, etc. Do not pursue or initiate.


There is no definition and, therefore, no inner authority for the Reflector. Very easy to spot this type by looking at this open chart.

The rarest of the four types, Reflectors (less than 2% of the population) are open to the world in every way, since they have nothing fixed in their nature to rely upon (none of the 9 centers are colored in). If they do not understand how their design works they can feel deeply lost and overwhelmed by life. They take others in very deeply. Reflectors are often deeply disturbed due to lack of self-knowledge and adverse conditioning, but they can become very wise if they understand their openness and how to work with it. Reflectors that do not truly know themselves can be deeply disappointed in life. Before making major decisions, they need to wait out the cycle of the moon (approximately 28 days) because the movement of the moon through the wheel of the zodiac gives the Reflector access to his or her own inner wisdom over time. They have a fixed lunar pattern that repeats every month. Sometimes they are a Projector, a Manifestor and even a Generator. Reflectors need to understand more about their design and the Human Design System than anyone else to be able to successfully apply their strategy.

For you, the open G center rule - to be only in places that you like - is even more important. Then you will be with the right people and get the love you seek. Your total openness can make you at times almost invisible to others. Without knowing the mechanics of your design, you may feel deeply disappointed in life. But this very openness is a potential for a great wisdom, if you learn how to work with it correctly. You are here to sample life. To successfully apply this knowledge, Reflectors have the need to study and intellectually understand the Human Design System.

Any kind of pressure is detrimental to your health. Take your time to make important decisions and don't let anyone pressure you. You are a lunar being, tied to the lunar cycle, so the strategy for you is to wait 29 days before making any major decision . During these 29 days, talk with different people about your decision - and listen to what you yourself say about it. That's how you find something different and how you get to be SURPRISED.

Predominant negative feeling: Disappointment

Primary positive feeling: Surprise

Strategy: Wait out the moon cycle (28.5 days) before making major decisions.
(This is because as the Moon cycles around the earth it will define the centers in this type of chart in a rotation.)

For more information, and the resource for this information, you can go to: Basic Concepts

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Human Design: Definitions


Each person has a unique Design based upon his or her date, time, and place of birth.
In analyzing a Basic Human Design Chart one of the things looked at is whether the Channels that have Definition connect with each other or not. There are people who have all their Definitions between Channels connected to each other. Depending on how the Defined Channels connect, an individual is considered to have that many Splits in their Design. The concept of Definition Type has been used in Design as a way of describing a Chart. The construct is useful in describing the Design Chart of an individual in terms of their Strategy in managing their energetic process in their daily life.

No Definition

An individual who has No Definition in Type is someone in whom the Design Chart has
no Channels Defined; these individuals are Reflectors.

Single Definition

A Single Definition Type applies to a Chart where there is Definition in a Channel or
more than one Channel and the Channel or Channels that have Definition form one stream of
connected energies. A Single Definition person is at some level self-contained because their
Definition forms a single potential of energy, which reliably flows in them.

Split Definition

A Split Definition occurs when two areas of separate Definition do not connect to each other. Because of this Split in the flow of energy in the Split Definition Chart, that person always seeks a Bridge, i.e., a Gate or Channel that links the separate energetic Definitions

Triple Split Definition

The Triple Split Definition person is someone who has three separate Channels of
Definition in their Design Chart that do not connect to each other in the Defined Channels of energy flow. These individuals need several Bridges to connect these Defined Channels.

Quadruple Split Definition

The Quadruple Split Definition is someone who has four separate Channels of Definition in their Design Chart that do not connect to each other in the Defined Channels of energy flow. Often these individuals have all centers Defined but not all connect to each other.
(For statistics analysis of the frequency of occurrence of different Definition Types see, Statistical Analysis of Definition Type in the Human Design System, Waking Design Chart, by Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D., on the web site in the Research section).


Authority shows the area of the Basic Body Graph Chart that carries the reliable energy
for decision-making in the person when they live their Strategy in life. Inner Authority
originates within yourself giving you a sense of right and wrong for you. Outer
Authority carries the ability to tell others what you think is right or wrong for them.

Emotional Solar Plexus Authority

A Defined Solar Plexus always results in Emotional Solar Plexus Authority in the Chart.
Depending upon the Channel Defined to the Solar Plexus the energy of the persons emotional wave varies. The important Strategy for someone with Emotional Solar Plexus Authority is patience in waiting out the Emotional Wave Pattern (the pattern of the wave occurs over time).

Sacral (Generated) Authority

A Defined Sacral Center but an undefined Solar Plexus Center and no motor connection to the Throat Center gives Generated Authority. The Sacral voice in this instance has only a response which reflects an energy toward or away from involvement in activity or process.

Splenic Awareness Authority

Definition in the Splenic Center allows spontaneous operation through the Awareness of
Intuition, instinct, or taste; such Authority coming from the Splenic Center has a very quiet voice which speaks internally only once in the now. Splenic awareness may be Manifesting, Generating, or Projected depending on the Path of Definitions in the Chart.

Ego (Manifestor) Authority

None of the other Definitions can be present in this kind of Authority; the person with the Ego Defined to the Throat Center uses personal will to decide what they want to manifest.

Self-Projected Authority

Only the Self Center to the Throat Center is Defined in this type of Authority. It allows an
individual to look inward to the Self for clarity in decision-making. The mind, even if Defined, never has inner Authority, but the mind can have outer Authority, i.e., be of use to others.


Profile refers to the numbers of the Sun/Earth configuration in an Individuals Chart.
Basic Solar Design with a 3/5 Profile (Suna/Earthz=26 Gate, Line 3;
Suna/Earthz=47 Gate, Line 5)=A Single Definition Manifestors Chart

Because the Personality (birth) Calculation and the Design Calculation are 88 days apart (at an arc of 88° of the Sun), a Profile shows a structural phenomenon of the Human Design System Calculation and represents a confirmation of the structural integrity of the System itself. Twelve possible Profiles seem to describe both an orientation in the life purpose of an individual and how others relate to that individual (cf. Statistics on Frequency of Profile in the Human Design System, Basic Human Design Chart by Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D., Unified Life Sciences, 2001, 2003.

The 12 Profiles and Keyword

The 1/3 Profile
Introspective, foundational and security seeking perspective with a tendency toward trial and error in finding their base.

The 1/4 Profile
A secure foundation in relationships to others and the world comes through others
response to and perception of the individual, i.e., the individual responds to being

The 2/4 Profile
Although this individual likes privacy and solitude, opportunity can engage the
individual with others.

The 2/5 Profile
An individual who protects their reputation and want things to be practical,
the call to be in the transpersonal world must seem a worthwhile commitment.

The 3/5 Profile
These individuals through trial and error find what is worthwhile and stand up for it
to others and in the world.

The 3/6 Profile
Individual experiences of trial and error lead these people to become role models in guiding others.

The 4/6 Profile
Individuals who observe other people and the world to find what is of value to
communicate to others.

The 4/1 Profile
These individuals are fairly fixed in their own way of being. They are good teachers
for others.

The 5/1 Profile
Despite a sense of introspection and insecurity, these people can bring practical
knowledge to others in the world.

The 5/2 Profile
When self-motivated these people come up to the high expectations others have of them.

The 6/2 Profile
These individuals need to stay within themselves during the first part of their life
but they become good role models for others later in their life.

The 6/3 Profile
These individuals become role models because they try many things and find the
things that work in the world. They are role models from their own experiences.

With knowledge of your Basic and Multidimensional Human Design Charts, it is possible for you to change your life. If you only start using your Strategy (cf. The Energy Types and their Strategies), you will see the impact of Human Design on your life. Although the Field of Design has new language and many terms that may, at this time, be confusing to you, if you look at several Charts of people you know well, e.g., family and friends, you can easily see how much the basic information coupled with the visual Body Graph shows. Begin using the knowledge gleaned through your Free Basic Chart as well as your introductory Free Multidimensional
Design Chart reading, to experience the power of this tool for yourself.

* References

Revised Research Verifies 5 Types in the Human Design System. Eleanor Haspel-
Portner, PhD. Unified Life Sciences. August, 2001, 2003.

Type Distribution in the Triple Design Matrix. Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D. Unified
Life Sciences. August, 2001, 2003.