Sunday, March 20, 2011

Open Ego- Aleister Crowley

True Will is a term found within the mystical system of Thelema, a religion founded in 1904 with Aleister Crowley's writing of The Book of the Law.[1][2] It is defined at times as a person's grand destiny in life, and at other times as a moment to moment path of action that operates in perfect harmony with Nature. This Will does not spring from conscious intent, but from the interplay between the deepest Self and the entire Universe. Thelemites in touch with their True Will have eliminated or bypassed their false desires, conflicts, and habits, and accessed their connection with the divine. Theoretically, at this point, the Thelemite acts in alignment with Nature, just as a stream flows downhill, with neither resistance nor "lust of result."  -True Will

I'm getting better and better at hearing people's open centers....and since the daily Tarot card today was The Magician....and conversation turned toward Crowley...I just KNEW he had to have an open Will center, and I was right!

Birth Info: 12/10/1875 at 23:42 in Leamington UK

Thursday, March 17, 2011

HD: Channel Names

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Human Design Community

I have noticed the recent increase in traffic to this blog, and I have to guess that it is to do with all of the Human Design information.  I would love to know if this is true or not, and I'm ready to hear responses to any of the information collected in the comment sections below.

I would also like to leave some Facebook links where discussions about this topic are taking place for those interested in learning more.  There really is plenty of free information out here, online and as part of conversations on message boards.  I have been practicing my strategy for 6 years and still have not had a Foundation reading.  Would love one, but I never have the money to spend.  If there are scholarships or a way to pay in monthly installments for a Foundation reading, it would be great if someone would let me know!  : )

Human Design Interactive

International Human Design School


Tarot Lecture With Layouts   (I fixed this link)

This is something that's obviously been on my mind, but I am thinking more along the lines of doing a spread in the shape of the Centers and reading energetically from there.

Psychic Power Network  Shannon Rae  ID 63153, Give Me A CALL!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Human Design: Sacral Response

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Human Design: Manifestor Strategy

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Human Design: Reflector Strategy

Written by Chetan Parkyn and Carola Eastwood

29 day Review, Patience becomes wisdom

You will have perhaps come to appreciate that something is very different in your life and in how things work for you. You have an extraordinarily unique Design chart in that there are no fixed Channels and therefore no defined Centers in your chart, which is why all nine of your Centers are white. Most people have two or more Centers colored in, creating a definition or “set”, distinct way of relating to the world.

You are like a walking mirror – reflecting the world and others in it back to themselves. You give other people direct reflections of themselves through how you appear to interact with them. In your natural and balanced form, you are literally reflecting their world and everyone in it back to them through your nine undefined Centers.

Reflectors are purely empathic people; you live through all the passions, fears, thought streams, ambitions, and other qualities present in the people around you. You are extremely sensitive to your environment. As you may have come to appreciate, you have two ways of handling your sensitivity: you either become conditioned by the ways of other people, adopting their energies, lifestyles, and ways of doing things as though they are yours, or, you become enormously wise about the ways of the world by witnessing everything, reflecting it all, but not necessarily absorbing it. It is vitally important that you learn to differentiate between these two potentials in your life. Take on too much of other people’s conditioning and sooner or later you will become weighed down by it. Witness and reflect the world back to itself and you find your way with grace and ease.

Wherever you go, you can literally “become” your environment, blending in to whatever that environment holds, be it creative or destructive, conscious or not, upbeat or depressive, you are going to experience it all, relative to the people in it. Because in the past you have not necessarily appreciated your very unique nature, you will have often found yourself absorbing everyone and everything deeply into your own life. This absorption can reach a point where you become overwhelmed and sometimes deeply disturbed by all the chaos and nonsense you experience as a result of the unconscious acts lived out in the world around you. This is unsettling and can make you want to distance your self from people.

If you comprehend the absolute difference of your nature from the vast majority of people, you have the chance to detach from the experiences and life dramas that are going on around you. Through detaching, you begin to perceive the enormous levels of wisdom that you naturally accrue through witnessing all of your interactions and experiences. Finding space in your life is essential, both for ingesting and processing what you have absorbed, but also for shaking off the input that is unhealthy for you. Time alone is your healing reverie.

Sensitive to all potential input, you are particularly affected by the movement of the Moon, which cycles around us roughly every 29 days. The Moon, because of its regularity of movement, cycles in less than a calendar month through all aspects of the Human Design Life Chart, activating each of the 64 Gates in an ordered sequence. Wherever there is an opening in a Gate in your Life Chart, once a month, like clockwork, the Moon activates that opening, potentially bringing about a fixed Channel and two defined Centers for a brief period of time. The Moon moves in sequence through each Gate of the Life Chart for approximately ten hours, and so, on schedule, month by month, you have a chart that consistently changes according to the Moon’s movements.

As a Reflector, sometimes you might have your Mind activated, giving you access to a continuing stream of thoughts; another time you might have a Manifesting chart (for ten hours) during which time you can find your life becoming busy. Other times, you might become a Generator and find a burst of invigorating energy sweep through you, or have a defined Spleen Center and experience a stream of intuitive insights. This interaction with the Moon is the basis for any sense of regularity in your life. All the other Types experience regularity through their fixed Channels and consistently defined Centers; as a Reflector, you have the Moon.

The great question since you have no set Design is: How do you find your way through life and how do you make consistently right decisions for yourself without getting unnecessarily influenced by everyone else’s input and interests? Remember, you have the Moon giving you a continual pattern within your whole life. With the Moon passing through each Gate in the chart, you are affected in a consistent pattern and timing. When you have an important life decision or question come up for you; for instance, perhaps you are asked to get involved with someone, you will see that in order to be true to your nature and get the “full picture,” you will need to ride out your 29 day Moon’s rotation before coming to a conclusion. This obviously does not apply to the every day decisions we all make, but is very important, really vital, in making any significant life decisions.

During the 29 days, you can read up, research and ask other people all about your dilemma. You can meditate, pray and do a thorough canvassing around the whole subject. At the end of 29 days, you will have had the chance to come to your own personal clarity through all the activations and definitions the Moon has made in your Life Chart. This is one of the most important things for you to comprehend about your self: that the Moon is your ally and your timekeeper, and that rushing into any decisions, without doing your own research is going to cause problems for you. Tell the people in your life this: Before you will make any important decision, you will take a month to consider it. At the end of the month, if you have lost interest, the answer is, “No”. However if your interest sustains throughout the month and you experience clarity, then you have your “Yes”! Just as surely as saying yes to the wrong things will bring you misery, saying yes to the right things brings fulfillment!

In times past, Reflectors, because of their sensitivity and openness, would often find themselves in hermitages, the countryside, or in spiritual communities, where they could indulge their need for privacy, nature, and solitude. In these times, when city life is more prevalent, it is very important that you discover how unique your makeup is and be watchful to make certain that the flow of life experiences through you does not overwhelm you. You will recognize your sensitivity and find that you are in need of space and time to yourself each day so that you can sift through all the influences to which you are exposed. Without that space for personal reflection, you can live in an ongoing daze of over-stimulation to a point where you become depleted and disheartened.

We have found that people who relate closely to you have a profound experience in your presence that can often move them to tears. The tears arise from a deep sense of being seen clearly, having their true nature reflected so profoundly and lovingly. The person who is not a Reflector comes to appreciate how benign, passive, and unconditionally loving is the Reflector. Coming to know a Reflector better, people experience the Reflector’s great wisdom.

Let’s look at the strengths and relative limitations of your Design:


• Until you learn about your Design, people can easily take advantage of your sensitivity.

• You have a tendency to absorb other peoples’ feelings, drives, wants, fears and thoughts.

• You may have felt “different” all your life, without an easy acceptance of the beauty of your difference from others.

• You have a greater need for alone time, and until you understand this well, may have difficulty extracting yourself form the company of others.


• Over time, you develop a profound wisdom that you naturally share with others.

• Through your openness, you can perceive many things that others miss.

• When you give yourself the gift of spending time alone each day, you are able to filter through your experiences, extracting gems of meaning.

• You have the capacity to offer a pure reflection to others. Through you, others may see themselves clearly for the first time.

Reflectors, by Design, are some of the most brilliant; most loving and wise people on Earth, but you must honor yourself and your own special process. This is a “hands off the wheel” lifetime where what you can trust is your own wisdom.

-Ooh, I don't know about this one anyone a Reflector reading this? Do you have anything to add? Let me know in the comment section below.

Human Design: Projector Strategy

Wait For The Invitation  by Chetan Parkyn

You are a natural guide for others in this life, ready to help out and take part in many different forms of activity, ready for almost anything that comes along! You can be very observant of others’ ways of life, easily recognizing that you could jump in to assist....if only it was clear that your presence was going to be appreciated. Getting involved in situations where you are not wanted and don’t fit in can be a very unpleasant experience for you. As a projector, you are here to light the way for others, but only when invited.

Projectors have a less common Design than others in the world’s population, and have a very different lifestyle than the other Types of Designs, the Manifestors, Generators and Manifesting Generator Types who, by design have energy to spare! This does not mean you as a Projector are starved of energy, it just means that you do not have an in-built, constantly renewing source of energy, and you need to be careful how you use the energy that is made available to you.

Please keep an open mind if you are reading this and thinking, “But I have lots of energy.....I’m always up to something, highly active and busy!”
Appreciate that although energy might apparently be available within your Life Chart, it is not sustainable in the same way as a Generator or Manifesting Generator Life Chart, nor can it be turned towards catalyzing activity as easily as can a Manifestor’s Design. One of your life’s lessons involves being very particular how much energy you commit to people and projects in your life and being aware in situations where you might get carried away and burn out. You might try to continuously “keep up” with others, but you are not actually equipped to do so! Your Design is better suited to shorter bursts of activity followed by review, rest, and reevaluation.

We have a Projector friend who was always trying to keep up with the energy types around her. She took a high pressured sales job and eventually collapsed on the sales room floor. For years, she had been revved up on all the energy around her, similar to being constantly amped up on caffeine, and her physical system finally broke down. It took her years to recover her health. As a Projector, it is vitally important for you to learn to manage your energy wisely.

Patience is an essential thing to learn because you can only have a really powerful impact in your life when you have been first recognized, and then invited into activities. Ideally being invited implies that you are being recognized for your talents and qualities and being encouraged to join in as an active participant and potential guide.

Invitations can come in many forms. Sometimes the nicest invitations come with gold embossing and beautiful script, with your name clearly printed: “We request the pleasure of your celebrate.......” “etc.,” because these invitations are very clear, personal and lovely, and you can examine and admire them at your leisure without doing anything about them until the RSVP date. Inherent within formal invitations may be the understanding that you are being recognized for your unique qualities; that is why you are wanted at this event!

However, life calls Projectors in many different ways, and some invitations can be much more subtle. If you find yourself at a party and someone keeps looking at you with a look that lingers just a bit and a juicy smile, you may feel invited into a bit of a romantic exploration! Regardless of whether they be formal or more casual; obvious, or implied, it is important for you to recognize the invitations that truly resonate for you. It may be flattering, but does the invitation resonate with you? Is that person at the party tuned in to something special about you? Well, you certainly have enough of an invitation to go find out!

Projectors are receptive to attune to everything going on around them and are often hungry for any “invitation” to take part in any and all activities. We can’t emphasize enough that although it may be exasperating to wait, you need to wait for invitations that align you with those sources of energy that bring you personal fulfillment.

You might try to convince yourself to do things, or to try and join in with others as though you are automatically included. Your mind can make very convincing arguments as to exactly why you should participate in something, but it is important that you pay attention to find out if there really is an invitation to you. If not, life has simply not called you to participate! If you insist on jumping in, you can get run over by the very bus you are trying to get on. You can get rejected, become bitter and unhappy, or you manage to elbow your way in to participate, but while engaged there, you can miss one of those very special opportunities that life has for you while you are off doing something else.

Now you might say that Projectors, like anyone else need to get things done, and this is true, but you have a very particular way to engage successfully with your endeavors. Once you are energetically aligned, you have the means to guide and direct operations easily and can access all the energy you need. As a Projector, you become aware of those people in your life who are reliable in giving good invitations and those people or situations where getting an acknowledgment, let alone an invitation, is more difficult. Nevertheless, and like it or not, throughout your life, you are always in a situation of waiting; waiting for the right recognition and invitations. And, you may have found that getting just one of these ”right” invitations can open up doorways that sustain you for years at a time! If you think about it and consider the times in your life when things really worked out well for you, you will recognize that those activities started with a good invitation.

You have a kind of urgency to be recognized for your gifts and abilities, and you can quickly develop a sense of gloom or despair when you appear to be passed over or ignored. When you allow yourself to learn patience and the humility to concede that not everything requires your direct participation, then you can relax and be energized and prepared to join into what is really important for you.
“How long does that take?” you might ask, and the answer is, “Be available, be ready!”

As the name suggests, as a “Projector”, you silently, yet constantly project out an energetic image of who you are and what your gifts are. Everyone else, in their own way, picks up on these projected images and either interacts with you in some way or passes by. The beauty of your Design is that it naturally, automatically and continually projects energy that silently calls for the right invitations. It is reliable. Your unique being, talents and abilities will be seen by others and you will naturally be invited to participate. Trust that life will find you.

Once someone engages with you, recognizes and invites you, then you have access to their energy to help steer and guide it. People will very much come to rely on you for this. When you withdraw your attention from whomever you’ve engaged with, they can feel momentarily confused, dramatically ignored or even abandoned, as though a cord has been cut tying you together. It can be quite a shock for them. So, you, as a Projector have an important responsibility to be clear in your commitments and particularly when and how you engage and disengage with people and projects.
Let’s look at the strengths and relative limitations of your Design:


• You lack sustaining energy and must either rest frequently or rely upon others to provide it.

• Your longing to be recognized can be misunderstood by you and become a motivation in itself to insert yourself into possibly unfruitful activities or relationships.

• The society we live in does not embrace waiting for invitations, but rather urges you to act, act, act!

• You can be very clear in how energy can best be used, and enormously resourceful.

• You link people, places and activities together, giving much needed, and hopefully appreciated direction to others.

• You have a flexibility that most energy types lack, allowing you to maintain several interests and activities simultaneously.

When you sense clear recognition and invitation, you are given direct access to guide and ride the energy of all manner of projects and endeavors. In the time before this acknowledgment and invitation takes place, it’s a good thing to patiently watch out for your cue. There’s no need to be trying to second-guess when an invitation is coming, but be alert for all possibilities, and in the meantime, relax and enjoy your life!

written by Chetan Parkyn and Carola Eastwood

Human Design: Profiles

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Human Design: Generator Strategy

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