Thursday, October 10, 2013

Gate 6 Emotional Solar Plexus


This is the most complex gate of the Solar Plexus and the most difficult in terms of finding the awareness within the wave. Not only is it a powerful motor with the energy for producing life itself but it also contains the awareness possibilities of all three Streams of Emotional awareness; Feeling, Emoting, and Sensitivity.

Where the 50th gate is the awareness of our Personal Defense Reflex, Conflict is our evolved Genetic Defense Reflex. There is no survival for Humanity unless it continues to reproduce. From the perspective of our genes, this is our only purpose, to maintain and continue the genetic pool.  Gate 6 is where the energy originates for the emotions of the Emotional Solar Plexus Center  (this is reflected on the other side of the Defense Tribal Circuit in Gate 50, where Gate 50 is where the awareness originates for the Splenic Center).

In our biology, the 6th gate is associated with our PH balance. It is PH that keeps our outside/outside and our inside/inside. It establishes the boundary of the body. Throughout most of our history, this has been a mechanical process.

The possibility of awareness in this gate could transform the nature of all of Humanities intimacy. Who is in and who is out, who can penetrate or be penetrated is the work of this gate. However, as an energy, and this is its general state, it always confines intimacy to a hope and pain cycle.

6 The peacemaker 27° 18' 45" - 28° 15' 00"
5 Arbitration 26° 22' 30" - 27° 18' 45"
4 Triumph 25° 26' 15" - 26° 22' 30"
3 Allegiance 24° 30' 00" - 25° 26' 15"
2 The guerilla 23° 33' 45" - 24° 30' 00"
1 Retreat 22° 37' 30" - 23° 33' 45"



The Lines: 

6. The peacemaker 

The discipline and integrity of a superior force to unilaterally cease conflict to permit surrender and survival of its foe.

The highest form of reason is that life is sacred. The emotional power to end conflict tempered by feelings and sensitivity to others.

The peacemaker whose actions are just but whose terms are unacceptable. The emotional power to end conflict but only after one's conditions have been satisfied.

5. Arbitration

The faith derived from analytical diligence and emotional control that permits a higher authority to judge a conflict.

Harmony furthered through the avoidance of direct conflict. Sensitivity to conflict can lead to the avoidance of intimacy.

Where a party to arbitration sees itself as the best possible judge and will only accept judgement if it is the victor. Insensitivity to the concerns of others in a conflict.

4. Triumph

Confident or Not, Brotherhood/Sisterhood, Kindness/Meanness
A position on natural and unchallengeable power.

The charity and wisdom that must come with victory and the movement towards new horizons.. The power of emotions to dominate a relationship.

The conqueror and purger. The lack of emotional control that is destructive in relationships.

3. Allegiance

Bonds Made/Broken, Allegiance/Rejection
The ability to secure support and create strength out of a weak position. When connected to the harmonic Gate 59, mating that results in conception.

The destruction of old forms through union; either mundane, as above, sexual union, or exalted as universalization. The depth of feelings that can enrich union and intimacy.

The rejection of allegiance as submission to established order. Sensitivity to controls which may eventually reject intimacy.

2. The guerilla 

The ability to maximize an inferior position through timely contact and withdrawal.

Aesthetic sensitivity and mental detail can find the weakest point. The sensitivity to find the weakest point in a conflict and to exploit it emotionally.

The kamikaze, striking but moot. A lack of sensitivity that blunders into conflicts.


Weakness/Strength, Pursuer/Pursued
The realization that wasting one's resources against overwhelming odds is not courage but folly.

The power of regeneration that can embrace retreat as a phase and not a failure. The emotional stability to accept conflict.

The inferiority complex, where retreat is experienced as personal weakness. Emotional instability in times of conflict.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"We have a false prophecy about the nature of love. We assume that we generate love in the world by loving each other. This is a funny thing because this has nothing to do with what this love is all about. It has nothing to do with loving your guru, friend or your dog. It has to be with being one with the creative process, accepting surrender for what it is to be you and seeing in that surrender your own beauty. 
Only when you find surrender in your own beauty do you put love in the aura of the world. There is no other way, no matter how sweet and nice you are and how much love you have within yourself and how much love you want to put out in the world. It is not going to change the aura of our planet. 
What changes the aura of our planet is human beings living their nature. That is the crux of what our work is, so that human beings can just live out their nature without the morality, without the conditioning; to see clearly what it is just to be themselves. That creates love in the world ......... ."

*Ra Uru Hu ......... from 'The Line Companion'

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Rave ABC's 2013: Week 1

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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

It's my 35th Natal Day!!!

Today's my birthday and I've been agonizing about whether or not to post my real age on my cam site....and I've decided I will.  I'll represent horny hot 35 year old women, why not?  Most of my money comes from mom-son role play anyway....

He's my solar return chart thanks to Cinzia Mastrosimone:

I'm not too clear on how to read solar return charts in Human Design.  I plan to start the Rave ABC's course next Monday the 23rd.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Channel of Mating & Channel of the Storyteller

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Friday, July 26, 2013

4th Line Design, Unconsciously Social

Here's a little refresher on the 4th line:

This is where we move into the upper trigram of the 6 lined hexagram.  This is where the mechanics begin to shift.  The upper trigram is transpersonal, rather than personal, and it's more of an outer directed process.  There is an essential need to share with others.

Line 4 is the Opportunist, it's external, it's friendly.  Like the 1st line, it's the foundation of the second floor of the "house" metaphor of the hexagram.  The foundation here is concerned with human resources, having a social network, and transpersonal relationships.  The 4th line can be very influential in it's network, here lies it's opportunities.  The image of "brotherhood" or "sisterhood"  is the theme.  The binary here is kindness/meanness.  The sphere of influence is connected to those who have already established friendship, rather than strangers (that's more 5th line territory).  

I'm a 2/4 and currently I have so very few friends in my own area.  It seems all my friends live online.  I only have my husband and my mother in the area I live in...and it's been this way since I moved here in 2007...  It's so difficult to make friends in Virginia Beach; when I lived in California the people there were so friendly, it was so easy to establish a group of friends.  I'm still in touch with those people, but only online.  

I've recently joined an all female stripper/pole dancing gym, which I love!  I can kinda feel that I'll make a friend friend there, I can feel it starting.  BUT, I have to relax and just let things happen.  I've been so lonely for so long and I can kinda feel my open root wanting to rush into things, but for now, it's only a movie I that, I mean, I'm not rushing or instigating conversations, but I notice the old conditioning flowing up.  These days I'm so used to the S and A of mine (Wait to Respond and Emotional Authority), that I can really respect that the world will come to me with some patience.  

And I say I'm lonely, but I can see how my loneliness is a very 2/4 type of loneliness.  I'm a Hermit, and I do need lots of alone time.  And I'm a 4th line, which can be prone to burnout, so there, too, I take time for myself; add to that the procrastinating defined Emotional Solar Plexus, and I'm hard to get.  I'm the kind of friend that you really have to reach out to me to get me to go out.  It'll take me 3 months to return a phone call.  But after years and years and years of no network, no aura to aura network....ughhh...really between's taking it's toll.  So, I'm very happy to have joined a gym, very happy it's all women, since I'm married....can't wait to make a friend in this area.  Someone enthusiastic about poling, or at least dancing all sleazy!

I'm reading through Lynda Bunnell's "The Definitive Book of Human Design" and see the as an unconscious 4th line it's important for me to be "called" into the right network in order to be nourished & for my influence to be contagious, in the right way.  4th lines are spreaders in every way, of ideas and disease.  And as I'm a 2/4, I move between being a depleter/nourisher.

I've gotten into the wrong network before, just got into a situation completely incorrectly.  When I was offered all these invitations by a projector and took him up on it, even though I was super nervous, even though I just jumped right into it without giving myself any time.  Ended up not being able to pay rent and others paid for me; even though eventually I paid people back, the whole situation was tiresome and kinda ugly.  So, I'm very careful now of really giving myself time, checking in to see how nervous I am of situations (Emotional Authority).  I feel that situation got ugly, because normally I'm the generous one (2/4's are know for being very generous), paying for others, tipping big, etc.  

I just have to wait for my new network.  Patience is a virtue.  I'd love to be able to afford to go to something like the HD Immersion in Arizona this September.  I guess some other year...

"The 4th line is about the human resources of the material plane; people are the biggest decisions and investments they make in their life." Ra Uru Hu.

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