Monday, April 4, 2011

HD: Superhero Profiling by Genoa

After 6 years of being a Human Design enthusiast, I finally got my chart interpreted!  It's so rare that I get a reading for fact, I've never gotten a professional astrology reading, I just became an astrologer.  And so, here is an excerpt from my reading with Genoa Bliven, head of Human Design America.

I can respond to have intimate relations to go through emotional clarification so that I can be in the flow and succeed in going through crisis and transition with other people, that that's all part of the creative flow.  I can respond and engage with other people and emotionally evaluate that response to see whether I can discover how to be in the flow in this rhythm with other people in order to succeed and going through catharsis and make progress through crisis.  I keep growing and keep developing and this is what people get when they connect with me.

Split Conditioning: 35, 22, 7, 8

Who is open?  Look to see who is open as opposed to me being the one who is open (22).  I can become the expert on who is open.  I can become the expert on who can make progress through the crisis (35).  I have the influence and curiosity about who can succeed and be a leader, I'm the kingmaker.  I can lend my success and influence to this person (7).  These splits are where I can exercise my authority.  I will help this leader (7) to succeed, I will help this person represent creativity in the world (8), I will help this person be more open than they are (22), because I can feel the potential of their openness.  I will help this person make progress (35), I will get to make progress with them.  It's all about partnership and relationship.

All I need to do is be in the flow, know that I'm here to succeed and be intimate, and wait until people ask me...then I'm hard to get, that's my strategy.  Got nothing to prove, don't need to be in a hurry in a manner that provokes people, because I bonded with them before I was ready.  I don't need to make spontaneous decisions.

I'm not here to be the one who helps everyone make progress with their crisis, I have my own crisis (36).  I need someone who can see that and be aware of my crisis and lend a hand with the progress to be made (35--BoB).  And I'll help them succeed beyond their wildest expectations.  I am super curious about all of that.

I make decisions about the open areas of my chart.  I make decisions about those things from my Sacral, this is the first step, and the Solar-Plexus as the second step in the process.  Depth, taking a lot of time, then I can be that teacher, then I can be the person who has been sufficiently cautious in order to teach them, in order to be the Prophetess and the High Priestess to help them make a leap.  To succeed at making a leap.  I can be the coach, the teacher of the leader.  I would be coach and the teacher of the person who will help us make progress through the crisis.  And I get success at making progress through the crisis through being able to teach them.

I can realize Eden by realizing who is calling me?  Am I willing, am I able to respond to them?  Can I teach them?  Are they promising material?  Are they asking me in a way that seems authentic?  Do they understand emotional process and what going through things emotionally is all about?  In that case, yes, I can be in the flow, I can succeed with this person.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Open Ego- Aleister Crowley

True Will is a term found within the mystical system of Thelema, a religion founded in 1904 with Aleister Crowley's writing of The Book of the Law.[1][2] It is defined at times as a person's grand destiny in life, and at other times as a moment to moment path of action that operates in perfect harmony with Nature. This Will does not spring from conscious intent, but from the interplay between the deepest Self and the entire Universe. Thelemites in touch with their True Will have eliminated or bypassed their false desires, conflicts, and habits, and accessed their connection with the divine. Theoretically, at this point, the Thelemite acts in alignment with Nature, just as a stream flows downhill, with neither resistance nor "lust of result."  -True Will

I'm getting better and better at hearing people's open centers....and since the daily Tarot card today was The Magician....and conversation turned toward Crowley...I just KNEW he had to have an open Will center, and I was right!

Birth Info: 12/10/1875 at 23:42 in Leamington UK

Thursday, March 17, 2011

HD: Channel Names

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Human Design Community

I have noticed the recent increase in traffic to this blog, and I have to guess that it is to do with all of the Human Design information.  I would love to know if this is true or not, and I'm ready to hear responses to any of the information collected in the comment sections below.

I would also like to leave some Facebook links where discussions about this topic are taking place for those interested in learning more.  There really is plenty of free information out here, online and as part of conversations on message boards.  I have been practicing my strategy for 6 years and still have not had a Foundation reading.  Would love one, but I never have the money to spend.  If there are scholarships or a way to pay in monthly installments for a Foundation reading, it would be great if someone would let me know!  : )

Human Design Interactive

International Human Design School


Tarot Lecture With Layouts   (I fixed this link)

This is something that's obviously been on my mind, but I am thinking more along the lines of doing a spread in the shape of the Centers and reading energetically from there.

Psychic Power Network  Shannon Rae  ID 63153, Give Me A CALL!