Friday, January 14, 2011

4 Card Simple Answer Spread

My brother, Samuel, asks: ''I want to know whether I should study hermetic magic in the very near future?''

I'm going to use my favorite spread at the moment, the 4 Card Simple Answer spread.

1. What is Happening: Knight of Pentacles Rx

2. Answer to Question: Page of Pentacles

3. Guidance or Advice: Ace of Pentacles

4. What Will Happen: 2 of Wands

What is happening right now is the image of yourself as the Knight of Pentacles Rx. Typically this is a young man who is quiet and meditative, who works with unfailing determination towards the goals he sets for himself. He is reversed, suggesting what you already know, that you are at a standstill, you don't know what the goal is you really want to work toward. What you want is to turn this Knight upright and you are on that path. The Knight of Pentacles is more imaginative than the King of Pentacles, though he has the same quiet strength and gentleness. His quality of contemplation often yields fruit in surprising ways, generating a deep and broad-sweeping understanding about the inner workings of life.

At the moment, his is reversed, suggesting stubbornness...and inverted type of a great quality that is Persistence. This is easily remedied, obviously, which is why you wanted to ask your question, to be released from your standstill, to find out if it will pay off to spend your time studying a new esoteric tradition. Judging by how many pentacles cards showed up, I see it definitely will.

You are represented here as one who produces unusual yet practical solutions which resolve otherwise intractable problems. You believe that all things yield to a determined will and well-directed activity. The image here is of a man who achieves his ambitions and creates a world he is comfortable living in; he has an interesting way of doing this-he takes every task a stage at a time. Keeping the end aim in mind, he diligently attends to the task in hand, completing it satisfactorily and then moving on smoothly to the next logical stage.

This method of working has numerous advantages - there’s the satisfaction of completing something - even though you might still be aware that this particular piece of work is just one step in the journey.

Another plus is that work unfolds in a productive stream - each process deriving from the last. This often allows you to pick up on any detail you may have overlooked or missed. Also, there is a consistent sense of progress - a feeling that you are drawing closer to your goals. Every single achievement is composed of many small acts which add together to create the whole.

The Knight of Pentacles is a fertile and abundant card - it signifies the planting of seeds which will grow into great big trees. The tree would not exist without the seed which was planted in the very first place.
The answer to your question comes in the form of the Page of Pentacles, in keeping with this suit of practicality, there are logistics to be planned. The when and where of studying, things like that. Here, the image corresponds to a young person who enjoys studying and is a persevering scholar. We see here a person on the threshold of greater things to come in the pursuit of knowledge. Note that in the card he is standing on books.

This card touches upon the most important issues about being in love with life - it's creation, it's experience, it's (is the apostrophe to indicate Life's possession right?)excitement and promise of fulfillment. When we are able to enjoy each passing minute of our lives, we put ourselves in touch with the mighty and empowering forces of love which flow through the Cosmos at all times. We become more deeply aware of the creative force of the goddess, and more in touch with our own inner vitality and life force.
Your Guidance/Advice comes in the image of the Ace of Pentacles and this is great! There is a new beginning happening for you if you go ahead and start studying along these lines. And the beginning is in the form of studying something that will be applicable to your life, something practical and solid. This image indicates success, and shows the sort of project that seems to continuously keep on growing, with each level of attainment producing-almost of itself-the next step in the journey.

On a more spiritual level, this card relates to the Earth, and to the appreciation of Nature. It might mark a period where we draw closer to environmental issues, or where we engage in a period of study, contemplation and alignment with Earth forces.

One thing that we often miss, when considering spiritual development, is the way that each development grows out of the last. Anyone who has been involved in the search for spiritual truth will already have experienced the weirdly coincidental manner in which spiritual opportunities and teachers present themselves at the relevant stage in our growth.

There's a saying - 'The right teacher only appears when the student is ready'. It is as though we grow spiritually from the inside, the same way that trees do. And in so doing, maybe we develop inner rings - just like a tree's trunk. The outer ring, just under the bark could not exist without all of the others it encircles.

The topic that we are exploring today has grown from all of the earlier topics we have looked into. Our experience is formed in layers, each of which is inter-dependent with the earlier ones. The Ace of Pentacles relates very closely with this method of human development - it shows us the way we grow. And warns us against trying to skip any of the stages.

This is a remarkably optimistic card, which usually heralds an exciting period of progress, whether spiritually or materially. We can expect expansion, new beginnings and often also, an input of funds. There is a less obvious perspective on this card, too, which has to do with its inner truths. Pentacles are not only about money, physical life and materiality. They are also about the cycles of life, of the planet, and of ourselves. The Ace begins a journey during which we can come to understand these things more clearly, thereby attuning ourselves more thoroughly with our Universe.

What will happen
comes in the form of the 2 of Wands. This is a card I actually went into yesterday, so it's nice to see it again since I have so much clarity on it now. If you look into the card you see a man with the world in his hand. A small globe, a representation of what his eyes are looking at around him...I usually see this image having to do with the internet, because it too is a small item we have around that connects us to the rest of the world around us...mostly this card shows that you will achieve your plans if you follow up with studying hermetic magic in the near future. There is an important contract, letter, or transaction indicated.

Here's an excerpt from Angel Paths you might find useful:

The Two of Wands is an important card when we consider our personal freedom of choice, for it relates to the way in which we live in accordance with our own Will, and the consequent results of this.

The card indicates that we are in charge of the way that our lives are unfolding, and that this happens in the fashion we had anticipated. It does not rule out the occasional nice surprise, nor obstacle, but it does promise us that we are in a state of mind which allows us to fulfill our needs and chase our destiny.

There's harmony and contentment when we manage to achieve this position in life. Events take place in an ordered and positive fashion. Things unfold around us the way that we want them to. Everything goes according to plan.

In fact, this is probably a natural state for a healthy human being. The fact that we have to struggle so hard to achieve it, and then maintain it, is more a comment on the type of life we lead, than anything else.

When we can bring ourselves in harmony with the forces of our Universe, achieving our dreams becomes far more possible than at any other time. We attain harmony when we are centered and at ease with ourselves.

Careful planning is always important when this card comes up - again there is a need to order our future so that we know where we're headed. And it's also important to reconcile any uncertainty or confusion generated within us. Both of these actions will ensure that nothing interferes with the flow of our own Will out into the Universe.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

8 Cups, 2 Cups, 2 Wands Rx

1. 8 of Cups

2. 2 of Cups

3. 2 of Wands Rx

What I have learned to associate with the 8 of Cups is the turning away from social situations in order to focus inward and upward toward a more spiritual life. I would like now to bring in the Crowley interpretation: this is the card called the Lord of Indolence and has the association of energy being stagnant with little renewal. This is a warning to attend to whatever is blocking the energy, get channels moving again.

One area to look into is the sort of relationship in which one partner gives too much and receives little payoff. It's worth doing an appraisal of your relationships when this card comes up, just to see if anything is dangerously one sided. We deserve to receive from others exactly what we are prepared to give to, if we give ourselves little attention, why would anyone else give it to us? It's time to look inward and upward, retreat from a social circle in this manner and take time to give attention, love, and respect to the self.

The 2 of Cups brings up an image, for me, of a great friendship that turns into a deep romantic partnership, harmony, reconciliation, and love that is reciprocated. Delving further into research with the Thoth deck and at Angel Paths, this card is the Lord of Love. The image here is reflective and receptive to love and passion, and while it shows having a partner, it does point out that love comes from within. When I love myself, and hold my inner nature in high regard, and see myself in this light, others cannot help but respond to my personal sense of value.

When I work to love myself, I can release so many areas of self-doubt and uncertainty that I will become infused with a new energy--new energy I can lavish on others. The 2 of Cups is about engaging in a caring fashion with my own needs first...and reassurance that existing relationships are as meaningful as they are strong and can develop into what we need them to be.

All this is very very important to me today...I woke up in a somewhat negative mood...thinking about all the ways marriage can suffocate...I'm not allowed to go out anymore, I can't drink, everything has to be on his negative in fact, I had to immediately had to go and look at my horoscope because I knew some transit was going on and I needed to look a the bigger picture and figure out what I cycle is going on. First, I have a Mars square Mars transit--aggressive and energetic. Second, Venus is squaring Saturn, with has to do with feelings of being unloved...or not loved enough. I realized that this has little to do with the external influences of being married or not, because even if I wasn't, I'd still likely feel the way I did this morning, and be blaming it on whatever my circumstances were. The cards I've pulled for today's reading have been very reassuring and given me a strategy with which to deal with my emotional landscape today.

The 2 of Wands Rx, typically has to do with having to go back to the drawing board in a project. This is the Lord of Dominion and concerns my personal freedom of choice, and living in accordance of my Will. Yeah, ''Will'' was so important in Crowley circles...and I think the fact that it is reversed shows how much I have to bend within my relationship. And by the word ''Dominion'' in the title of this card, the meaning is 'rulership'. And the ''Will'' Crowley refers to goes along the lines of... Every moment we are asserting our Will, at all moments, it creates a piece of our upcoming reality. Every thought we think, our Will operates to bring that thought into existence. So, be warned about unhappiness generating more unhappiness. This card says to pay attention to our thoughts, by asking us to take responsibility for the future we are making for ourselves, make a plan. Yes, I need to go back to the drawing board on that today.

8 of Cups Affirmation: My energy is the energy of the Universe. My power is my own.
2 of Cups Affirmation: Love flows into my life in an endless stream.
2 of Wands Affirmation: My Will flows effortlessly in perfect acts of creation.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What Cards Are These?

I just had a free professional reading done by a woman named Enchantment who works at a different company than the Psychic Power Network. These are the cards she used and I was wondering what deck they came from? Does anyone know? Here's her reading:


I sense that right now and for the past 10-12 months i sense that you have been going through emotional healing, there is a lot of spiritual healing and energy around you. You seem to be very much in tune to what you feel, why you feel it, knowing why your emotions are there and what they are telling you. I sense that you are an indigo child, a spiritual child and that you would have experiences most of your life. I sense you must be have been born in the age of Aquarius.

I find it very strange that both the first and second card has an dolphin in it, out of 90 cards, what are the odds of that.

Dolphins are very spiritual mammals, they sense energy. They work with instinct.

You are a very calm person and you are about to step into your own energy.

Are you studying at the moment?

Are you interested in astrology? Because this is what i sense strongly.

You are about to take a new journey in life, everything coming together, keep going along the path that you are on right now.

Attuning to your own higher self.

Pretty nice, very much my situation at the moment and I am an astrologer. I would like to make more progress doing more Astrology readings in the future, it's such an interest for me and I'd love to share the knowledge I've been immersed in for the past 5 1/2 years.

2 Swords, 3 Cups, XI Justice

1. 2 of Swords

2. 3 of Cups

3. XI Justice

My first thought is,''Wow! The 3 of Cups!'' I rarely get that card these days. Looks like fun. My plan today is to work and make some money, but normally I get too freaked out with stage fright to turn on the phone, but I will have it on today, from 12-4pm...I hope I don't suddenly get sleepy or hungry then...feel stuck like the 2 of Swords suggest. Cosmic balance looks like it's on my side with Justice...probably a get laid does show up when I get to have sex, so that's cool. Overall, that 3 of Cups makes me feel good, I do see a party happening...awesome!

To follow up, I did not have sex last night; hmmm, then wtf did the Justice card have to do with anything last night? We hung out with Gregg last night, so the 3 of cups was very literal in being 3 people hanging out...and I didn't log in to the phone service yesterday...


Monday, January 10, 2011

A Knight, A Queen, & A King

1. Knight of Wands

2. Queen of Swords Rx

3. King of Cups

In a 3 card daily spread, this is a lot of court cards. I should be dealing with a few people today...and am I in the mood for it...I just can't quite wake the Queen me? She is irritable and moody and a bit of an exaggerator.

The other two men shown here are a Knight, which is the image of a man on a mission. Possibly a traveler and one who has high moral ideals to uphold and defend while on his journey. He invokes in those around him rising confidence levels. This image shows up as the result of overcoming fears and surmounting obstacles which have previously hindered us, or held us back.

And the King faces forward, straight out of the card...offering successful application of strength and insight. He is a feeler after all, in the suit of Cups. A strong quiet type and kind of moody. Sensitive and intense personality, and subject to intense insecurity, needing constant re-assurance.

Looks like an interesting day. I just really need to wake up because I am going TO HAVE THE PHONE ON DAMMIT! For the first time in a while, and I'm going to keep it up, as of today. I have all this renewed energy and confidence since I spoke with a fellow co-worker of mine, the great Kashmire Farber, who was quite clearly the Knight of Wands for me.

I am the Queen of Swords in this reading, only I'm being too hard on myself. I've got to think that my excessive sleepiness right now is just a symptom of procrastination. I need to wake up!!!!! And take some wonderful calls and be there for people who need me.

Psychic Power Network
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Call in, my name is Shannon Rae at ID 63153

Friday, January 7, 2011

Page of Cups, Judgment, 5 of Wands

1. Page of Cups

2. XX Judgment Rx

3. 5 of Wands Rx

Oooh, a text message that's all sweet from my husband, Page of Cups...looks good. And, I just started working out and eating healthier for the New Year, and what shows up whenever I start doing this, XX Judgment Rx....Guilt, guilt of my corporeal form. That's what this card says to me, and it always shows up when I start agonizing about my weight.

Haven't had a fight with my husband, or anyone, so the 5 of Wands being reversed is appropriate, although it usually foretells of picking up the pieces after a fight. May have to do with my renewed energy and confidence for doing phone sessions with my company The Psychic Power Network.

And if I add the numbers of this reading together, the 5 plus the 20 (I've learned that it's accepted to not include the people cards) I get the number 7. So, my summary card is VII The Chariot. This looks great! I feel very focused and energized in many ways all around...changing my diet, my exercise routine, and getting back to the phone service! I am going places today.

And let me say again, I encourage any questions, comments, suggestions, and anyone else's tarot interpretations!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Years Spread

Here's how it goes, this is a 16 card spread that goes 4 cards for the 4 seasons (or every three months). These are the positional meanings:

1. Something new

2. Something good

3. Something to prepare for

4 Something you should know


Something new has to do with the Hermit Rx....does that mean I may get out of the house more, because otherwise, that doesn't look like a new ''good'' looks like the something new is me not taking my own advice or heeding my inner wisdom...Something good is making a new I will take the Hermit Rx literally and believe it to mean I will get out of the house. I should prepare for being out of touch, loss of internet? Yeah, I will prepare for that! Something I should know in these first 3 months is I am hot!


Something new is I will be released from jail! A new freedom perhaps. And something good will the the King of Wands Rx? How would he be good? He seems strict and moody...Something I should prepare for is, again, being social, 8 of Cups Rx, getting back into and of the world, celebrating earthly pursuits over spiritual ones. Something I should know is the King of Pentacles, someone rather...He represents a solid financial earthly life and pursuits, so maybe it's all about money making this season of spring.


Something new is new friends? Or not being tied to that past any longer, just looking forward, something is good is not being overly worried and realizing everything will work out fine. Something I should prepare for is sneakiness coming from somewhere, something not being forthcoming. Something I should know is communication is being delayed.


Something new is hopefulness and good health, something good is saving money and not spending it, like we are saving it for a plan we have and so we are not being as generous as usual. Something to be prepared for is making a new friend and/or repairing a relationship that has been coming apart. Something I should know is the fight will be less emotional and just more confused energies.