Showing posts with label XI Justice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label XI Justice. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2 Swords, 3 Cups, XI Justice

1. 2 of Swords

2. 3 of Cups

3. XI Justice

My first thought is,''Wow! The 3 of Cups!'' I rarely get that card these days. Looks like fun. My plan today is to work and make some money, but normally I get too freaked out with stage fright to turn on the phone, but I will have it on today, from 12-4pm...I hope I don't suddenly get sleepy or hungry then...feel stuck like the 2 of Swords suggest. Cosmic balance looks like it's on my side with Justice...probably a get laid does show up when I get to have sex, so that's cool. Overall, that 3 of Cups makes me feel good, I do see a party happening...awesome!

To follow up, I did not have sex last night; hmmm, then wtf did the Justice card have to do with anything last night? We hung out with Gregg last night, so the 3 of cups was very literal in being 3 people hanging out...and I didn't log in to the phone service yesterday...


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Right Before Christmas Shopping Spread

Knight of Cups

XI Justice

III The Empress Rx

I wonder if I'll get to have sex today? (Jesus, with my husband, it is such a struggle...and we're newlyweds for christsakes! we should be having sex all the time...) I'm just going by the Knight and the upright sword depicted in the Justice card...

Looks like money will be tight for the gifts with the Empress Rx...that's fine, we can make cards instead, I'm not going to stress about gift giving. It's not like we have kids to try to not disappoint. Just parents and grandparents to shop for and if we can't afford gifts, that's fine.

BoB and I have planned on going to see a band tonight, and there's an office party...the Empress could mean we won't win at the raffle tonight? And the Knight of Cups hasn't come up for me before...maybe someone else will flirt with me at the show? Eh, we'll see...I don't think a consistent card shows up for BoB, like it used to for Jack (a previous boyfriend I was with for 8 years).