Showing posts with label King of Cups. Show all posts
Showing posts with label King of Cups. Show all posts

Monday, January 10, 2011

A Knight, A Queen, & A King

1. Knight of Wands

2. Queen of Swords Rx

3. King of Cups

In a 3 card daily spread, this is a lot of court cards. I should be dealing with a few people today...and am I in the mood for it...I just can't quite wake the Queen me? She is irritable and moody and a bit of an exaggerator.

The other two men shown here are a Knight, which is the image of a man on a mission. Possibly a traveler and one who has high moral ideals to uphold and defend while on his journey. He invokes in those around him rising confidence levels. This image shows up as the result of overcoming fears and surmounting obstacles which have previously hindered us, or held us back.

And the King faces forward, straight out of the card...offering successful application of strength and insight. He is a feeler after all, in the suit of Cups. A strong quiet type and kind of moody. Sensitive and intense personality, and subject to intense insecurity, needing constant re-assurance.

Looks like an interesting day. I just really need to wake up because I am going TO HAVE THE PHONE ON DAMMIT! For the first time in a while, and I'm going to keep it up, as of today. I have all this renewed energy and confidence since I spoke with a fellow co-worker of mine, the great Kashmire Farber, who was quite clearly the Knight of Wands for me.

I am the Queen of Swords in this reading, only I'm being too hard on myself. I've got to think that my excessive sleepiness right now is just a symptom of procrastination. I need to wake up!!!!! And take some wonderful calls and be there for people who need me.

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