Showing posts with label horoscope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label horoscope. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fictionscopes: Fringe Horoscopes

Fringe Horoscopes
You are independent and courageous.  It's because of your upbeat and magnetic personality that others follow your lead.  Willing to fight for the greater good, you can also question what it is exactly you are fighting for and what the price for winning actually means.
Fringe character you are most like: Fauxlivia Dunham

Fictionscopes by Shannon Rae

Fringe Horoscopes

You are dependable and persistent.  This persistence is a quality that can make you a long-term friend and confidante.  Taurus is the one who has immense perseverance, even when others have given up, the Taurus rages on. 

Fringe character you are most like: Agent Charlie Francis

Fictionscopes by Shannon Rae

Fringe Horoscopes

You are energetic, clever, and adaptable.  These are great gifts you bring to those around you.  You have resources available to you that are so in demand, you leave a mark on everyone you meet.
Fringe character you are most like: Sam Weiss

Fictionscopes by Shannon Rae

Fringe Horoscopes

You have a natural intuitive and psychic ability and a creative forward thinking mind, you are able to predict future trends. You attract wealth very well and know where to invest your loyalties and financial well being. You know what side the bread is buttered on.
Fringe character you are most like: Nina Sharp

Fictionscopes by Shannon Rae

Fringe Horoscopes

You have a confident and ambitious streak within.  You are fully capable of being greatly successful on your own but you can be much happier if you have an audience and a following of people who look up to you.
Fringe character you are most like: Walternate

Fictionscopes by Shannon Rae

Fringe Horoscopes

You can be at your best when showing off your analytical, observant, helpful, and reliable side.  Your desire for precision trumps the glories of ego and this can make you the perfect image of a research assistant.  People look to you to solve problems logically and for your patience.
Fringe character you are most like: Junior Agent Astrid Farnsworth

Fictionscopes by Shannon Rae

Fringe Horoscopes

You can bring forth a very definite grace and diplomacy in any situation.  One of your strengths is the ability to hide or bend your own true feelings in order to bring peace with a group and to make others more comfortable.
Fringe character you are most like: Philip Broyles

Fictionscopes by Shannon Rae

Fringe Horoscopes

You are a complex individual, maybe feeling pulled in so many directions and yet hiding it behind a cool exterior.  You have an observant nature that makes others really feel close and intimate with you very easily.  Your psychic and intuitive nature allows you to see beyond the surface of reality and is what adds layers to your unique personality.
Fringe character you are most like: Agent Olivia Dunham

Fictionscopes by Shannon Rae

Fringe Horoscopes

You crave adventure and excitement and welcome change with open arms. Sagittarius is the sign of the philosopher and the explorer, and you will go as far as road will go and explore every corner thoroughly in your ever eternal search for wisdom.
Fringe character you are most like: Peter Bishop

Fictionscopes by Shannon Rae

Fringe Horoscopes

You have an excellent sense of Time.  You manage and organize your time very well and puts you in a positive place for achievement.  Your self-sufficiency can be confused with coldness, but this is only because you feel that if you want something done right, you need to do it your self.
Fringe character you are most like: William Bell

Fictionscopes by Shannon Rae

Fringe Horoscopes

You have the ability to foretell future trends, always ahead of your time, this can lead to being very forward thinking and inventive.  Always witty, clever, and original you can be a great friend and change the course of humanity at large.
Fringe character you are most like: Walter Bishop

Fictionscopes by Shannon Rae

Fringe Horoscopes

There is a real mysterious and elusive quality to any interaction with you.  You are able to take in so much in your environment, it's like you exist in two worlds. There is the realm of spirit and fantasy and this overlaps with your interactions with others on the material plane.
Fringe character you are most like:  The Observer

Fictionscopes by Shannon Rae

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I am about to start a new job doing psychic ''chats'' online. And I am wanting to find other psychics who do this service, anyone know any? I can't find anyone doing a blog about this anywhere.

I usually do my readings in person or over the phone and the company I work with wants to begin doing this through Yahoo and AOL. The one difficulty I see is not having my hands free to do the actual reading, since I'll be typing. I'm not used to having dead air in a reading. I won't find out more about how to do these readings until tomorrow. I am so nervous, but I shouldn't be. I am always dead accurate.


It's now been a year since I first posted this entry.  I have become incredibly adept at the art of Chat Tarot reading.  A headset cures all the ''hands free'' issues.  And I have become friends with coworkers at the Psychic Power Network.  If you want an incredible tarot reading give me a call at:

Psychic Power Network, Shannon Rae 63153

1-800-918-9240 (New Callers) 
1-877-250-7927 (New Chat Clients)
1-888-626-7386 (Repeat Clients)
1-866-986-4499 (Customer Service)