Showing posts with label Knight of Wands Reversed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Knight of Wands Reversed. Show all posts

Monday, December 27, 2010

After Christmas, Before New Years

X Wheel of Fortune Rx

Knight of Wands Rx

2 of Swords

BoB and I were planning on going to western VA yesterday to visit some of his family, but we got SNOWED IN! Very very rare around here, you know, at the beach, for snow to happen in the winter; and certainly never this early in winter. We were loosely planning on going today, but judging by these cards I do not think we are going anywhere. Yay! I didn't want to leave anyway!

All the cards indicate, in their own way, the same theme of not moving. Being in the same place awaiting an outside force to remove the inertia.



He got stuck in the drive down from Maine last night, got stuck in the terrible East coast snowstorm last night. His car broke down and luckily he met some girls who let him crash with them. Unfortunately, when he called the mechanics today and asked if he could get his car they basically laughed at him. There's two feet of snow on the ground and they don't think he's going anywhere. He called me to find out if is going to get on the road today?

4-Card Spread With Positional Meanings

1. What is happening? Knight of Cups

2. Answer to question. King of Cups Rx

3. Guidance advice. 2 of Wands Rx

4. What will happen. 10 of Cups

The answer card, position 2, is reversed so I take that as a NO answer to his original question. But the number 4 position, what will happen, is the 10 of cups and that is really positive...wait, the King is in the same suit as the knight...I think our dad, Billy is going to go and help him out. But he won't be too happy about it.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bachelorette Party and 3-Card Daily Reading

Spirit (what spirit is giving),
Mind (what’s your mindset), Action (what to do today)

tarot,psychic power network,shannon raeKnight of Pentacles Rx I may be in touch with a person who wants something for nothing, and/or is passive and careless.

tarot,psychic power network,shannon rae
7 of Pentacles My mindset today is one of trying to plan financially for the future. And this is true, I've been actively planting ''seeds'' of my business on Craigslist this morning and trying to brainstorm ways to do readings for people at the beach, but I kind of need money to make money on that front. Meaning, I need to be at the beach to do readings and the way I've done this in the past is by hanging out in a bar with booths and doing readings for people. I need to have enough money to hang out in a bar in the first place, and not get too drunk to do readings.

tarot,psychic power network,shannon rae
Knight of Wands Rx My action today, again, is represented by a Knight not on his horse. This is the kind of person who is lacking in willpower and not moving forward, a trip delayed. True, I'm not going to the beach today, but that's because my plan today is to stay in and work the phone line.

Last Saturday I got to be the entertainment at a bachelorette party! It is so much easier to do face to face readings, it doesn't matter how large the group. I don't know what it is about the phone, but I get so nervous with anticipation that it almost makes me never want to work the phone line....I really would prefer doing the readings in front of the client.

It was awesome! I did a presentation of my abilities with the Tarot and Geomancy in front of a group of 15 women. The readings were for the bride to be, and then I did readings for all the individual women in the back bedroom for the next 3 hours. All of the women got a hand written note of their readings, as well...15 cold reads in a row and never once was I inaccurate!

I haven't done a session like that since November of 2008. It has been a while and I am so happy to be back into it again.