Monday, March 8, 2010

Pet Psychic

 I read the tarot cards and I am an astrologer but I can't bill myself as a ''Reader.'' It just doesn't make sense to most people, I have to claim Clairvoyant, Clair-sentient, and Clairvoyant. All those terms mean about the same thing.

And another thing I've noticed lately on these psychic reader sites, is everyone and their grandma claiming to be a Pet Psychic. 9 years ago you would never see that and now it is everywhere.

I was finally asked by a client to read her pet and I did extremely well, and all I used were tarot cards!  It was a great and very accurate reading....My client was pleased and I surprised myself.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I am about to start a new job doing psychic ''chats'' online. And I am wanting to find other psychics who do this service, anyone know any? I can't find anyone doing a blog about this anywhere.

I usually do my readings in person or over the phone and the company I work with wants to begin doing this through Yahoo and AOL. The one difficulty I see is not having my hands free to do the actual reading, since I'll be typing. I'm not used to having dead air in a reading. I won't find out more about how to do these readings until tomorrow. I am so nervous, but I shouldn't be. I am always dead accurate.


It's now been a year since I first posted this entry.  I have become incredibly adept at the art of Chat Tarot reading.  A headset cures all the ''hands free'' issues.  And I have become friends with coworkers at the Psychic Power Network.  If you want an incredible tarot reading give me a call at:

Psychic Power Network, Shannon Rae 63153

1-800-918-9240 (New Callers) 
1-877-250-7927 (New Chat Clients)
1-888-626-7386 (Repeat Clients)
1-866-986-4499 (Customer Service)