Wednesday, July 10, 2013

7 Centered Strategies

A discussion popped up on Facebook about whether or not to keep "working" on a relationship. Now, I'm married and I've had relationships in the past...but I've never felt the "work" part in relationships. I'm in or I'm out. But I've seen enough talk shows to get what people are saying.

Then Leela Swan Herbert had this to say: "Something to consider, perhaps, or not's not about 'working' on the is about discovering one's own self, becoming who we are designed to be...and if someone can support that process, honor it, witness it, be available to discuss the experience of it - then there is the possibility of relating. Relationships are a 7 centered construct, a contractual, strategic bond designed as a specific conditioning field with a particular goal (creating and raising children, business partners, survival strategies...) really isn't a question if someone knows if they want to work on the relationship or not - are you/they engaged in their process of experimenting with their design, with living who you are?" Leela

Working on things as a 7 centered strategy in a 9 centered world is an outmoded concept, what an idea?! I'm one of many objects in motion in this multiverse, there are people and events in my happy to be aware of STRATEGY & AUTHORITY and keep getting opportunities to use this method of decision making.....that slowly morphs into seeing how "I" have no choice, I'm simply skating along, swimming along, effortlessly. SIGN UP IS FREE, SIGN UP THROUGH ME. This is a Camgirl site I work at 😘 and you can talk me any time!there

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

39: The Gate of the Provocateur

My unconscious 39 in my undefined Root is undergoing a long 3 year transit by Neptune in the 55 (Solar Plexus).  As the transit started I actually got a job where I provoke people.....sexually.

"...So these people demand sexual attention. These are people that will tease you in a number of ways. This is the way in which they provoke you. What they are trying to do is to turn you on. They are not trying to turn you on the way the flirt does. They turn you on physically; they are trying to get you physically aroused, sexually aroused. 

Whether they are conscious of that or not. And the way in which they do that, in which they tease you, mostly has to do with what they say. This is all about, in the end, being able to articulate. It is teasing with words. But not just teasing with words. These are people that can provoke you by showing you their body and not allow you access to it....and the 39 tries to provoke that spirit, tries to lock the 55 in.  That's what it needs to do. So it arouses it. 

Now look, that whole process of arousal is to create the necessary stimulation, the necessary vibration. This is all acoustic. The lights down low the music on. This whole stream is about breathing. This whole stream is about hearing. The stimulation has to be there. The arousal has to be there. This is not the marriage bond. It is not about the necessity to transform that arousal into active sexuality. It doesn't have to be. It can be unrequited love. It does not have to be consummated. 

Remember, the moment that you fall in love through a romantic stream the biggest risk you take is actually physically making love. Because if it doesn't work it is over. So this is all about creating the necessary stimulation to maintain the attention. The longer this process goes on, the more arousal will take place. The more romance begins to bloom.... " Ra Uruhu
Come visit me, Cliche, it's free to sign up!

Sunday, April 7, 2013


''As we understand from Human Design, deconditioning takes place through making Authority based decisions about what we encounter through our openness.'' Genoa Bliven

Our own Authority can either be center based or not (as in the case of Reflectors or certain types of Projectors).  

This is as simple a breakdown as possible to understand what it means to ''decondition.''  There's no rejection of the ''not-self.''  We all have all 9 centers, 64 gates, & all the channels.....they may or may not be defined.  Where we are not defined is where we meet the other.  

Experiment with how it feels to use Strategy and Authority and the Deconditioning process has begun.

Come visit me, Cliche, it's free to sign up!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Human Design: Sexual Streams

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3rd Line

I've been listening to some Ra lectures and taking notes.  (I only have one 3rd line in my profile, Gate 50.3, The Cauldron or The Guardian, in the Splenic center.)  Listening to Ra, I have a newer understanding of the adaptability of the 3rd line.

The 3rd line gives the illusion of being the completion of the first 2 lines; the same way the 6th lines does.  The 3rd line doesn't know there's something on the other side (lower trigram), the way the upper three lines do.  BUT, it's designed to adapt if something shows up--the Bonds Made and Broken theme of the 3rd line.  Another keynote of the 3rd line, Allegiance/Rejection, also shows how adaptable this line can be (the baby version of the 6th line). 

It's a personal line, rather than transpersonal, but it has the adaptability to deal with so much.  There's an instability here that's fascinating.

'Trial and Error

The 3rd line is the culmination of the lower trigram. It's a very receptive line that is here to adapt. This is the line of trial and error. People with the 3rd line learn by learning what doesn't work. They may have to try something 50 times – making 49 mistakes along the way - before they find what works. If you want to know what doesn't work, just ask a third line who's figured something out! This is where real discovery takes place.

The 3rd line can have a tremendous perseverance. It can also happen that 3rd line people become deeply pessimistic. It's as though when the world changes and they have to adapt to something new they say "Oh no, here we go again – nothing I try is going to work." It's important they understand that this is their gift of adaptation and they simply need to persevere. That doesn't mean, by the way, to simply keep trying the same thing that doesn't work. The 3rd line is not transpersonal. It knows that others are out there but it only knows that because in the course of its adaptive trial and error process it is always bumping into them.'

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

First Day of Spring/Judgment

We've moved into the first day of Aries 2013, can you feel the shift?  I changed my url to reflect my new name, Shannon Rae Cliche, and I lost my followers.  Sorry about that guys, didn't know that would be a consequence. 
This was my card of the day and it really does reflect the first day of spring.  We see new life around us now.  A shift from the personal to the transpersonal; heavenly forces entering the earthly domain.  In this image, from the Aquarian deck, we see flowers at the trumpeters feet, fragant & lovely, the start of spring.

This is the start of not only new awareness, but also atonement, redemption, freedom, and vitality.  The spirit arising from what was decaying. 

I'm trying to breath new life into this blog, come back after the break I had for a year.  I'm also at the beginning of a new career.  A radical juxtaposition of sexuality and tarot.  900 phone sex - 900 line psychic hybrid.  : )