Tuesday, December 7, 2010

6 of Swords

5 of Wands

XVIII The Moon Rx

Hmmmm...the 5 of Wands doesn't bode well. My big plans today were to finally decorate the house, which I have never done, for Christmas. Went to my mom's and she gave me boxes and boxes of decorations, way too much. I wanted to change the house before BoB comes home. The 6 of Swords seems to be fair in showing this presto-chango idea I have.

The Moon Rx....deceit? Or does this just go with the theme or redecorating? Changing appearances?

Any suggestions on what today brings?


Yeah, BoB wanted to fight for no reason when he came home. He hated the smell in the house (I cooked bacon for the first time ever) and he hated the redecorating. He accused me of being drunk all day because he found a cork in the trash. I guess he goes through the trash???? He spies on me in subtle ways...I was redecorating and in doing so, I cleaned in places I wouldn't ordinarily...he accused me of hiding money from him. I mean, he was all over the map...

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Light, The Boundary, and The Freedom

XIX The Sun

V The Hierophant

8 of Swords Rx

This looks positive, better than yesterday's dark, yet irrelevant, reading. The Sun shows today will be a good day, things will go well, I will be successful. The Hierophant shows I will follow the rules and possibly come up against boundaries, but if I stay in established parameters, this will be fine. And the 8 of Swords show me breaking out of my isolation.

Today started when an old friend called me out of the blue, so that's cool. Trying to plan ahead for seeing people at Christmas sounds pretty good. And my other plan is to finally go over to my mom's and get some Christmas decorations. Currently, I just came back from the gym, and my back is in significant pain.

It must have started two weeks ago...I had a crick in my upper back. Just couldn't crack it, so I had BoB massage me. But it was the type of pain that couldn't be massaged out. Started taking tylenol hoping it would go away, but when a week went by, I realized it wouldn't and I need to make an appointment with a chiropractor...still need to do that, the pain isn't letting up and today it's so much worse. I figured exercise would help, but no...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Queen of Swords

Page of Swords

XIII Transition (Death)

Holy crap! What's going on today? Here I am, hanging out with BoB (my husband), having an average weekend. Better than average really, he's working on some clothing projects he has, I've gone to gym and am watching Star Trek Voyager...my only plan was to maybe leave the house to go see my mom. She has some Christmas decoration for me to come and pick up...but these cards suggest I'll be dealing with some intense subjects...Bad news, a lot to think about, and the end of something...hmmm.


Yeah, no. Nothing negative happened. So I will keep a look out for anything started today.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Juggle, Wait, and Trouble

2 of Pentacles

7 of Pentacles

King of Swords Rx

Ooh, don't like the looks of the King of Swords Rx. I never leave the house so I don't know what kind of serious trouble I could even get in...he represents and authority, like the cops, who don't seem to be on my side...huh. Let me go and look at the last time he came up. November 29th and June 10th are the last recorded times he came up, and nothing. I'll need to look deeper into what he's representing for me.

The other two cards look great, like I'm setting up a good foundation for getting paid..Patience, perseverance, and talent...I just need patience, the 7 of Pentacles.


One of my first thoughts last Monday, when I got the King of Swords Rx, was SEX. You know, because Rx his sword is upright. Very phallic. But on Monday, I didn't get to have sex :( Today I did though! My husband and I were watching some Star Trek Voyager (season 5 episode 2 ''Drone'') and we ended up doing some weird jokey Borg roleplay.

He assimilated me. That could be kind of King of Swords Rx...right?

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sleeping In, Going Out

XIX The Sun Rx

5 of Cups Rx

4 of Swords Rx

Okay, so I slept until 12:30 in the afternoon today. Crazy late, and I went to bed at midnight last night...I think the Sun Rx might be referring to that fact that I've wasted most of my day. I don't think I'll be clocking into work today...eh, it's Friday, it'll be okay, maybe I'll log in tonight.

5 of Cups Rx...okay, cool. A friendship comes together...I've been thinking I need to schedule a video chat date with my best friend Chrissy who lives upstate...

And the 4 of Swords Rx...good, good. I've been exercising since the beginning of the month (ha, three days ago).

Not much to say about this one except it looks like I've wasted the day, but I'll be active enough for energy tonight!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Help From A Nasty Bitch Gets Me What I Want

3 of Wands

Queen of Swords Rx

V The Hierophant Rx

Help from a bitch gets me what I want. That pretty much sums up what I'm seeing here. Although, that 3 of Wands...I'm not waiting for a loan to come through, nor have I asked anyone for help with a project...I'm not sure what that refers to...for me. I'm not currently in collaboration with anyone...maybe I should be? I've recently been posting on the Aeclectic Tarot forums and receiving clarity for some readings I've been doing. Maybe I'm the Bitchy Queen today...I guess it will get me what I want. I get to break rules and it works out for me (Hierophant Rx).


This reading describes Perfectly my husbands day. I did a daily for myself, but ended up predicting what he was going through all day.

He recently had a shirt altered and the women there messed it up. He wanted a refund and was given the run-around and so he finally lodged a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. He called be yesterday to finally see if he could speak with the owner. He was argued with by the woman who answered the phone and then handed off to another woman they said was the owner. Up until this time the owner had been referred to as a ''he.'' He was very polite and she was, well, the Queen of Swords Rx. She was willfully ignorant of his position and was still refusing to refund his money.

Then he got another call from the post office, this is the area he does end up getting his way (Hierophant Rx). The woman he spoke with was very Queen of Swords Rx and gave a long winded explanation of what he'd have to do in order to get his magazines and comic books to him without being folded in our mailbox. She seemed surprised he was willing to go through so many hoops. He is. And it looks like any comics we end up ordering will be delivered, unfolded, to our apartment complex's office.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Apprehension, Slacking, and A Message

Ace of Cups Rx

10 of Wands Rx

Page of Wands

Afraid to start a new relationship...yeah, I get that. I recently met a coworker online who gave me her number, but I'm too shy and intimidated to call. But what about the 10 of Wands Rx? I mean, obviously, I'm not making much money and my husband is picking up the slack...but I'm not putting all responsibility on him. I DO take care of our home...and even more so lately. Doing everything so he doesn't have to, I'd hate to feel like I am putting all the burden on him for anything beyond financial support. Well, I guess there's some good news coming my way with that Page.


Received my paycheck in the mail today, Page of Wands. I wasn't expecting the check today either, so, yay!

10 of Wands Rx....I did a lot of work after seeing that, didn't want to let my husband down. I don't think I've put any burden of responsibility onto anyone else, that I know of anyway.

Felt good about today, motivated and energetic. Exercised for the first time in a month and I worked on a free reading for a woman on Facebook.