3 of Wands
Queen of Swords Rx
V The Hierophant Rx
Help from a bitch gets me what I want. That pretty much sums up what I'm seeing here. Although, that 3 of Wands...I'm not waiting for a loan to come through, nor have I asked anyone for help with a project...I'm not sure what that refers to...for me. I'm not currently in collaboration with anyone...maybe I should be? I've recently been posting on the Aeclectic Tarot forums and receiving clarity for some readings I've been doing. Maybe I'm the Bitchy Queen today...I guess it will get me what I want. I get to break rules and it works out for me (Hierophant Rx).
This reading describes Perfectly my husbands day. I did a daily for myself, but ended up predicting what he was going through all day.
He recently had a shirt altered and the women there messed it up. He wanted a refund and was given the run-around and so he finally lodged a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. He called be yesterday to finally see if he could speak with the owner. He was argued with by the woman who answered the phone and then handed off to another woman they said was the owner. Up until this time the owner had been referred to as a ''he.'' He was very polite and she was, well, the Queen of Swords Rx. She was willfully ignorant of his position and was still refusing to refund his money.
Then he got another call from the post office, this is the area he does end up getting his way (Hierophant Rx). The woman he spoke with was very Queen of Swords Rx and gave a long winded explanation of what he'd have to do in order to get his magazines and comic books to him without being folded in our mailbox. She seemed surprised he was willing to go through so many hoops. He is. And it looks like any comics we end up ordering will be delivered, unfolded, to our apartment complex's office.
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