Tuesday, November 30, 2010

8 of Swords

3 of Wands

XVIII The Moon

Isolation and feeling cut off from the world. True. In fact, that's what my husband and I were tangentially discussing before he left for work this morning. How he has someone to talk to at work...how I don't want him discussing all my failures with his boss, basically. I have no one to discuss my personal life with as I have no close friends or even coworkers (I work from home).

I have had a coworker ask to do a mutual reading together recently (3 of Wands). I contacted her via Facebook, but I'm too shy to actually call her. I don't want to interfere with her schedule or time...even though I'm sure I'm not. I guess I'm also intimidated to do a reading for her...I shouldn't be, I'm an adequate reader (The Moon).


Does The Moon have to do with sex? I read that but...in my readings it hasn't had to do with sex so far...until today! We were trading phone pics with each other and when he came home I was dressed in something I knew he'd think was sexy. His clothes. He loves seeing girls in army pants, because he's strange like that. He doesn't think tight female pants are really that sexy because he figures the pants make the shape on it's own. But put a round ass in a pair of army pants and then you can really see the shape. I guess it makes sense...And I put on a disgusting punk shirt he made for a fake band he named called CHICKEN TRUCK and it's covered in stains. He loved it!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Am I In Trouble? Daily Spread

King of Swords Rx

0 The Fool

Page of Cups

I'll be dealing with people today, a package may get delivered. I have been waiting on a comic to be delivered. That King of Swords Rx is scaring me...I have this irrational feeling anyway that I'm doing something wrong, that I'm in trouble for something...but right now I don't see how he would apply. This King usually has to do with the law or an authority...don't have anyone like that in my life. We paid off Billy and Debbie last night (my parents) for the debt on the car...that's the only ''authority'' types I can think of that would be angry...

The rest of the reading looks positive, real positive in comparison. There's a chance to begin anew with the Fool.

King of Swords Rx + The Fool = I'll feel bullied into making a decision, I'll feel vulnerable and end up making the correct decision for myself and standing my ground; In a few days I'll receive confirmation I have done the right thing (Page of Cups).


I got nothing. No real follow up except that it was a real nothing day. There was no delivery in the mail. I mailed a bunch of movies back to Netflix....Luckily, no King of Swords Reversed situation...you know, yet.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Try Harder, Listen Up, Be Fat

I The Magician Rx

Page of Swords Rx

XX Judgement Rx

I never noticed before, but Judgement is misspelled in the Connolly deck.

No executive decision today to turn these right side up, this is the norm for me, to leave the cards be. Yesterday, though, I was right on! Turning those cards upright exactly described how awesome my day went!

Today, a holiday, I feel like slackin'. Is that was The Magician Rx is about? And the Page of Swords Rx is promising, like I was expecting bad news, but I'll receive relief instead. Okay.

And XX Judgment Rx, hmmm...this year I've been associating this cards with dieting. And with Thanksgiving being here yesterday, and all the leftovers today, fuck, I'm eating what I want. I'll report back later in the day, or maybe later in the week to give a better prediction of what these cards mean. I can only jot off so much right now, I just woke up, and my husband is talking to me, so I can't think as far as predicting at the moment.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Some Daily Spreads I just Wanna Throw Out

6 of Wands

2 of Pentacles

XIX The Sun

When I first laid out the spread, all the cards were Reversed. And, you know, fuck that! It's finally Thanksgiving! After all the shopping fiascoes, we finally did it last minute last night, and saved 130$. All that delay worked out in the end. (6 of Wands)

I did my precooking yesterday and have 4 dishes to finish up today. Things like the biscuits and pies, things I want to serve warm. There was quite a bit of metaphorical juggling of cooking different dishes between last night and today, 2 of Pentacles. And now I get to show off my cooking, again, 2 of Pentacles.

It feels like a SUN kind of day already.


Cards lined up exactly with the day! A good time was had by all.

I've just done some research into the 6 of Wands and found that it's a mercurial card.

It is Air on the house of Virgo, the Sixth, house of the servants and work, of exact science and the academy, of health and food, of the art of decoration and the interior of the house, as well as of the retail dealer. The element of thought (Air) on the earthy house of Virgo must naturally bring forth knowledge of every detail and reveal mistakes or shortcomings; it promotes efficiency, and the latter is one of the principal meanings of the card. Here again is a double mercurial expression, so this card must denote special abilities, capacities, technical insight; moreover food questions and medicine, medicaments and nursing; practical arrangement of details, but as Virgo "kills the prophets," this card may contain some or other discrepancy in the philosophical or logical, theoretical or strictly just side of things.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Anxiety, Food, Research: Daily Spread

7 of Pentacles Rx

Queen of Pentacles

II High Priestess

The 7 of Pentacles Rx refers to the fact that it's been so difficult, over the past 4 days, to get money out of the freakin' bank! Yes, I am concerned today will be no different, but it just HAS to be! BoB is getting off early to get money out of the bank so we can finally go shopping. Last night we even spent time setting up our online access to our accounts in an attempt to transfer funds into my account because I'm the one with a bank card. BoB is so impatient and impulsive with the bank that he's recently closed his checking account and then reopened a new one, and so, new checks were sent. He opted for starting his check at the 100 mark. You can't do that! No one accepts them that low. He didn't know that...of course, and he opted for no bank card. Arggghhh! But whatever, today will be the day!

I will be the big old fat Queen of Pentacles earth mother who cooks for everyone. Can't wait. I've been doing a ton of research into finding the *perfect* recipes (High Priestess) and I'm still currently looking for a candied yam with a hard candy shell on top. If I find or not will be another story.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Freedom, Fantasy, and Travel: Daily Spread

8 of Swords Rx

XVIII The Moon

Knight of Wands

Freedom, fantasy, and travel. Those are my first impressions. I wonder what I'll be escaping (8 of Swords Rx)? I pretty much always stay in my apartment and my only plan for leaving today is going to the grocery store. The Moon card suggests some kind of fantasy, maybe that's a method of escape? This is an interesting spread. I'm curious to see who I'll talk to that will help with ''freeing'' me. It looks like I'll be inspired and less tense than normal. A person (Knight of Wands) will inspire my mind (swords + moon) to''letting go'' of it's imprisonment.


For one, I never left the house at all today. I did reach out online to my first pro bono tarot reading on Facebook. A woman just wrote me and expected a reading from me, no introduction, no telling me how she found me, shit, she didn't even ask, she just wrote and expected a reading. And I took inspiration from a true humanitarian co-worker of mine and decided to go ahead and do a reading for this charity case. So, I reached out in a way.

I got a ton of sleep, which is to what the The Moon was referring.

Monday, November 22, 2010

November 22nd 2010 Daily Spread

III The Empress Rx

6 of Wands

5 of Pentacles Rx

Looks pretty good to me! I am very excited to cook for Thanksgiving, and I will be cooking for my husband's family for the first time. We only got married about 5 months ago and I want to show off my cooking skills. We'll be going grocery shopping tonight and my husband said something about only having so much money to shop with (Empress Rx), but I think I can pull it in at a reasonable price (6 of Wands). And the 5 of Pentacles Rx is always nice to see, there may be some practical opportunity for me to do everything I want with this banquet that I'm not seeing now. But I am pretty sure I have things covered!


Ah, so, ok...that Empress Rx mixed with the 5 Pentacles Rx. We went to the grocery store and had all our groceries bagged, in the cart, ready to go, and our check got declined! Through no fault of ours. We had more than enough in the bank, the grocery store just decided our check was unrecognizable or some shit. Fucking tele-check bullshit! So, we are gonna have to go through the whole tedious process again tonight.