Showing posts with label 6 of Wands. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 6 of Wands. Show all posts

Friday, February 18, 2011

Lovers Spread

Here is a simple technique for seeing how two people are in a relationship. What you do is shuffle the deck thinking about your relationship and then go through the deck until you find the Lovers card and take the cards before it and after it to make a three card spread. When it gets laid out, you view the Lovers card and on the female side, the card on her side represents how she feels toward the other in the relationship. If you are in a homosexual relationship, just decide beforehand who's who in the representations on the The Lovers card.

BoB was really testy with me last night, yelling at me for what I believe to be no reason at all. Really just confused the hell out of me and subsequently made me angry for being treated so I wanted to see what was going on...and I get this spread, telling me what I already know. On his side is the Knight of Swords Rx....this is the image of someone spoiling for a fight.

On my side is the image of the 6 of Wands, where I feel like I've lost something, like my energy is scattered. With the 6 of Wands there is also a strong feeling of competitiveness. So, I guess that just because he is in a bad mood, a fighting mood, I don't necessarily have to go to auto-pilot and start up as well. My knee jerk reaction is, ''What? What fucker? You want a fight for no reason, bring it on, I've been menstruating for the past 61 days. Let's Do This!''

I suppose this will just naturally resolve itself... We'll see.

And in any case I really like this style of reading, it's a pretty efficient spread.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Some Daily Spreads I just Wanna Throw Out

6 of Wands

2 of Pentacles

XIX The Sun

When I first laid out the spread, all the cards were Reversed. And, you know, fuck that! It's finally Thanksgiving! After all the shopping fiascoes, we finally did it last minute last night, and saved 130$. All that delay worked out in the end. (6 of Wands)

I did my precooking yesterday and have 4 dishes to finish up today. Things like the biscuits and pies, things I want to serve warm. There was quite a bit of metaphorical juggling of cooking different dishes between last night and today, 2 of Pentacles. And now I get to show off my cooking, again, 2 of Pentacles.

It feels like a SUN kind of day already.


Cards lined up exactly with the day! A good time was had by all.

I've just done some research into the 6 of Wands and found that it's a mercurial card.

It is Air on the house of Virgo, the Sixth, house of the servants and work, of exact science and the academy, of health and food, of the art of decoration and the interior of the house, as well as of the retail dealer. The element of thought (Air) on the earthy house of Virgo must naturally bring forth knowledge of every detail and reveal mistakes or shortcomings; it promotes efficiency, and the latter is one of the principal meanings of the card. Here again is a double mercurial expression, so this card must denote special abilities, capacities, technical insight; moreover food questions and medicine, medicaments and nursing; practical arrangement of details, but as Virgo "kills the prophets," this card may contain some or other discrepancy in the philosophical or logical, theoretical or strictly just side of things.

Monday, November 22, 2010

November 22nd 2010 Daily Spread

III The Empress Rx

6 of Wands

5 of Pentacles Rx

Looks pretty good to me! I am very excited to cook for Thanksgiving, and I will be cooking for my husband's family for the first time. We only got married about 5 months ago and I want to show off my cooking skills. We'll be going grocery shopping tonight and my husband said something about only having so much money to shop with (Empress Rx), but I think I can pull it in at a reasonable price (6 of Wands). And the 5 of Pentacles Rx is always nice to see, there may be some practical opportunity for me to do everything I want with this banquet that I'm not seeing now. But I am pretty sure I have things covered!


Ah, so, ok...that Empress Rx mixed with the 5 Pentacles Rx. We went to the grocery store and had all our groceries bagged, in the cart, ready to go, and our check got declined! Through no fault of ours. We had more than enough in the bank, the grocery store just decided our check was unrecognizable or some shit. Fucking tele-check bullshit! So, we are gonna have to go through the whole tedious process again tonight.