Thursday, February 25, 2010

House Progressions as Stages of Self-Perception

Individual Consciousness
1st House thru 3rd House
Aries, Taurus, Gemini

You can be seen
The You that You see Yourself as

*Existence of oneness.
* Reason for ACTION: "This is what I do"

4th House thru 6th House
Cancer, Leo Virgo

The You that Is seen
You as seen by others

*Existence of Others in terms of the Self
*Selfish because there is no distinction between self and others completely; still one group.
*Reason for ACTION: "This is what You do TO Me."

7th thru 9th
Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius

You see others
The You you see, as you see others

*Beginning of acknowledgement of seeing others as distinct from self
*Reason for ACTION: "This is what I do FOR You

Group Conciousness
10th thru 12th
Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
You see what is not seen
You cannot be seen
The You you cannot see

*Beginning of Group Conciousness
*Reason for ACTION: "This is what I do FOR Us."

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Unraveling Notes From 2006

I found a book at a thrift store called, "Mirror Worlds or:
The Day Software Puts the Universe In A Shoebox...How It Will Happen and What It Will Mean"

And after reading it for a bit, I had to check when it was written, because, while it is about everything going on right NOW with the upheaval of the media due to the Internet.....the language was sooo different. A man named David Geltner wrote this book in 1991.
He is/was a visionary. I mean, he really knew, back then before AOL, before Prodigy had even become marketable, all these details and ways it would affect society, the world, culture...even down to how elections are going to change.
Mirror World is his rather poetic term for a word not-existing in those days, the Internet or Information Superhighway, or all this lingo we use now for being on the online world. His poetic terminology never caught on...I really really love his perception of this imaginary-but-real space.
Hence my new name.

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The Continuously Plural type of Space, a recursive and freeform Dollhouse consists of a collection of floating rooms. Imagine a structure you can wander through, but also ''deep into.'' And back out of.

You can wander from one room to the next, but rooms may also have rooms not merely adjacent to, but inside them. Enter one of these and dive into one of it's sub-rooms, then enter one it's sub-rooms, etc...Not merely progressing through it, but journeying deeper and deeper into it, not just through it.
This ''impossible'' structure isn't to be caught on a blueprint. It's an imaginary space, but up of structures within structures--but no matter how deeply penetrated, the rooms will remain the same size and scale. No matter how deeply penetrated, a new room can always be created right there; and you can dive further still.
Each Dollhouse, or place, or site, is a different viewpoint. The Dollhouse, it's stage setting, capturing some action of the viewpoint represented.

This room is a room in one of these Dollhouses, and my profile, and yours co-exist, as free floating rooms in the same Dollhouse. Plural, Recursive, and, as always, Continuous.

Monday, February 15, 2010

I'm Fat Not Pregnant!!!!!

March 13, 2009

I keep getting asked this over and over again at work. I'm a cashier and I see a lot of people in a day and lately I keep getting asked this horribly embarrassing question. I AM NOT PREGNANT! I just have weight on my stomach and I have scoliosis, a curvature of the spine which sticks my belly out even when I'm not overweight.

And it's just so unfair, I don't own a car, so I ride my bike everywhere, this year (2009) I haven't had a drop of alcohol, a HUGE sacrifice for me, I'm vegetarian, I eat right, and I work out.....I just haven't lost weight on my mid-section yet. I'm leaving no stone unturned in my personal quest to a flatter stomach...but still every week some insensitive dick asks me."When are you due?"

I just want to cry, because if I say anything to them I look like the a---- . So, what is the most polite answer? I've tried reading Miss Manners and I'm just not sure what the most sensitive way for me to get out of this inevitable question is.

And I don't want to be rude back because it doesn't make me feel any better, I still just want to run and cry somewhere.

-I've tried just cold staring them down, but the people who would ask such a rude question to begin with, are usually not very bright and so just repeat the question thinking I haven't heard them.

-I've said "No, I'm not pregnant." To which I've heard, "Are you sure?"

-I've been asked ,"When are you due?" To which I've said ,"You know there's a Barnes and Nobles right next door where I'm sure you could go by a book on etiquette." But I still felt so tremble-y afterward that it was hard to keep ringing him up.

-I've said," f--- off, when are you due?" But still felt like crying.

The worst part is I have to keep ringing them up, standing there in this awful pregnant pause with someone too stupid to realize they've insulted me.

[What also AMAZES me is that only 2 people have ever apologized. Most of the people just keep talking, imitating how my shirt pokes out, or telling me stories about how they lost their weight!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, you just called me fat so you can brag about how skinny YOU are?!?!?!

And I have lost weight this year, that's the thing of it! Just not enough. I should put more weight on just so people know I'm fat and not pregnant. (but I'm not going to do that)

One woman asked me when I was due and immediately the adrenaline rush drained everything from my brain. I just stared at her, and she looked at me again and said, "Any day know?"

b---- thought I looked 9 MONTHS PREGNANT?!?! WTF!!!!!!!! I am so not that big, I'm a size 10. I had to say something, "I'm not pregnant."

So she started to tell me how she lost a lot of weight, and I just told her to stop talking to me. But then she went on talking saying, "People used to ask me that all the time." To which I just looked at her with confused disgust and said, "Well then, it seems like you would be the first to know Never. To. Ask. That. Question."

Nothing more was said after that, just bagged up her crap, but of course her card got declined, then she had a question about a coupon, and about a baseball bat, and she ended up staying there talking to our team sports guy for another 15 minutes. Oh, and she never apologized for offending me.]

p.s. since writing this I've lost 15 pounds (now I weigh 149) and I'm still getting asked this question. I hate everyone!!!!!!!!!!