Thursday, February 25, 2010

House Progressions as Stages of Self-Perception

Individual Consciousness
1st House thru 3rd House
Aries, Taurus, Gemini

You can be seen
The You that You see Yourself as

*Existence of oneness.
* Reason for ACTION: "This is what I do"

4th House thru 6th House
Cancer, Leo Virgo

The You that Is seen
You as seen by others

*Existence of Others in terms of the Self
*Selfish because there is no distinction between self and others completely; still one group.
*Reason for ACTION: "This is what You do TO Me."

7th thru 9th
Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius

You see others
The You you see, as you see others

*Beginning of acknowledgement of seeing others as distinct from self
*Reason for ACTION: "This is what I do FOR You

Group Conciousness
10th thru 12th
Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
You see what is not seen
You cannot be seen
The You you cannot see

*Beginning of Group Conciousness
*Reason for ACTION: "This is what I do FOR Us."

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