XXI The World
2 of Cups
Knight of Swords
Meh, looks exhausting. The World reminds me that I might be menstruating today, the ''end'' of that little non-bleeding journey. And the other two cards look tiring as well. Like the exchange between the couple on the the 2 of Cups mixed with the rough energy of the Knight of Swords...BoB may have have one his ''out to get everything'' days that just means he's frustrated with life and there's nothing I can do about it. Maybe I should just get out of here for a day?
Easy, easy relaxing day! Hung out with BoB, inside, because it rained all day. And BoB got riled up on some message boards, for example Girls Shouldn't Have Ideas: Abstinence Only CampaignGirls Shouldn't Have Ideas: Abstinence Only Campaign. He was really funny, and we had a great day of lounging around.
Oh, and I didn't start menstruating today...so that was wrong about the World.