Looking back, I think this guy had run home to get the sword because he was going to break the bedroom window. The one he'd been punching while yelling that he was going to come inside and kill us.
The Spiritual Warrior
Godhead - Michael
Wow, it's been so many years since I've used this site!
I started my journey with Keto and that lasted about 2 years. I maintained my goal weight and quit drinking.
It's now been 3 1/2 years of abstinence from drinking for me and all the weight has stayed off.
I am no longer in ketosis, it's more low carb now. The thing about ketosis is that it is meant for epileptic children who can't take harsh meds. Being in ketosis lowers brain function 😅, which helps epileptics, but isn't the greatest for me.
Looking at this old blog and even older ones I've used on different emails (there's 3 of them beyond just this one)
I pulled a card to take a look at restarting this blog in this age of different social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc. and pulled The Fool 0.
With this tarot card, 0 The Fool, I'm being warned about hastiness. I can look foolish if I'm not more thoughtful about this. It's great to go ahead and just take a plunge, for sure. Yet, it is a plunge.
2022 Springtime! There's a feeling of excitement this time. Because of the Pandemic in 2020, I started my first garden and learned how easy it really is and addictive. This spring I know what to plant in pots and what to put in the ground. Where to put the Pansies to have them all season long and where to put the long tall Zinnias so they don't hide the Marigolds!
I'll be back with HUMAN DESIGN info! If anyone is looking for more information please go to Facebook and join all the Human Design groups there. It's a treasure trove as we head towards 2027.
I'll be turning 50 in 2027 and this is something I found from a forgotten blog of mine and I don't know who the author of this is. There were no links unfortunately.
2027 is an important year in Human Design. It's when the background frequency changes. It will no longer be for us, it will be for the Rave children that will start being born from that year forward.
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