Wednesday, June 9, 2010

3 Card Daily Spread

Since most ''daily spreads'' are used typically in the beginning when learning to use the cards, there's little focus to the spread itself. Usually the reader is advised to keep track of the 2 or 3 cards they pull every morning as an aid to learning the card's meanings.

As a reader who is comfortable with the cards, I'd like to share a method for doing a morning spread. This is a simple 3-card spread.

Spirit (what spirit is giving),
Mind (what’s your mindset), Action (what to do today)

Here's my spread for this morning:

5 of Wands ''Spirit'' is giving me an opportunity to fight with others??????? What? Doesn't sound fun, I don't want another fight with my husband of 1 month.

10 of Wands My mindset is feeling like I'm taking on too much physically? Man....doesn't sound too promising because my plan was to ride to the beach today on my bike. It's a 10 mile ride on a BMX bike, does this mean I'll get a flat in the hot sun and have to walk a tremendous way? That's like my worst fear. I've been looking forward to doing this, not dreading it....I'm still going to try to go, only now.....I feel like it will be a long trip.

Princess of Pentacles Oh, my ''action'' card in a Court card, of course. Great. Maybe a little kid will come along and tell me what course of action to take today. This princess usually recommends putting a plan into action, anyway. So, it's a good, if vague, placement.

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