Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sexual Key To The Tarot: XXI THE WORLD

This nature dances in the music of Paphian joy.  Here we see all the pleasures the physical world can bring us.  A carefree young woman dances with phallic symbols playfully in her hands.  She is naked and dances in an open oval shape, she is free in her sexuality, she is the ultimate image of Woman.  Fecund, like the world itself, she is ready and receptive and can take it all; all that is erotic and pleasurable.  For a woman, this represents her thoughts and personality; for a man, this represents his ideal woman.
The physical world in all its glory.  The four figures symbolize the four elements and are analagous to the Tarot symbols:
Wand-Fire (Lust, Anger, Passion)
Cup-Water (Urine, Blood, Semen);
Sword-Air (Flattulence, Eructation, Respiration)
Pentacles-Air (Flesh, Force, Malleability)

The green of the enclosure is fecundity, the red is periodical menstration, the woman's genitals are concealed by a purple banner.  This banner means that Woman, in the universal sense, has her vagina sated by phalli purple with use.  This woman, then, is all women, or the Ideal woman.

She is depicted holding two phallic symbols gingerly, almost playfully.  They are the toys of Woman.  the symbolism behind the four heads of the phalli is Woman's insatiety.  She can receive four phalli--one to be masturbated by hand, one to be fellated, another for vaginal penetration, the fourth for anal intercourse.  She can take them one at a time or all four simultaneously.  She can bring all four to frenetic orgasm.  The card denotes Woman's capacity to accept four phalli at once, and then four more, and four more, ad infinitum.  She appears to be dancing, a carefree young woman, and therein she is the personification of Fun, Pleasure, Exictement, Gaiety, Hypersexuality.  The sexual elements around der, symbolized by the four figures, are implemented for her diversions.

In this image, we see femininity, complete pleasure, sexual insatiety, Fescennine success; triumphant sensuality, sexual desires sated, amatory excellence, assured coitus; change of sexual partners, many partners at once, flights from the unerotic, voyage into the World of sensual delight.

Reversed, fears are fed about free sexuality and stubbornness ensues.  There is opportunity open to the querent to be available to the world, but stubbornness holds you back and you pretend to enjoy the rut you are in.

Sexual Key To The Tarot: XX Judgment

On a day ruled by the Judgment card, we hear the trump and call of conscience.  Whatever sexual habits one has, if it is wrong/incorrect or harmful to the self or others, one will hear a call from within.  Not all the caskets open, it's up to us to respond to the call.

If one has a hardness of heart equal to the hardness of your penis (or clit) then there will be disaster ahead.  If the inner call is heard and responded to look to embrace the changing of sexual tastes toward healthy sex and passions rekindled.  There can be new sexual perspective, virility, fresh sexual partners, and the past life is left behind.  One rises from the tomb of old sexual ways.

Here we see regeneration of the sex organs after a period of suffering, satisfying orgasms through sex well done, sexual judgement in one's favor, change of sexual interest or renewed sexual interest.

Reversed we'll hear a call and know there can be change and it may in fact still be on the way, but for whatever reason the shift hasn't occurred.  We still have sex like zombies in our tombs.

-excerpted from ''The Sexual Key to the Tarot'' by Theodor Laurence

Sexual Key To The Tarot: XIX THE SUN

The Sun nature has received the direct light of conscience.  This nature's darkest thoughts create no debilitating fear, it knows from experience that love conquers all.  This is a nature that enters into wholesome sexual relations and is a great lover.  It activates and de-activates it's animal nature at will and does not allow them to cloud its reason.  Here Love not Lust excites the genitals.  Mutual orgasms and reciprocal ecstasy are musts for this nature.
The baby represents the heart of a child; that is, base humanity has become like a child--innocent in the sense of wise, a child in the sense of simplicity.  The horse represents man's potential sexual power.  The wall symbolizes dark thoughts, deeds, and desires which confront man and bar him from the higher realization of the meaning of sex.  Flowers of fruitful orgasms, and leaves of love, blossom nevertheless.  The red banner of passion and sexual need is flown innocently by the child as only a child in it's simplicity can do. The naked child, unashamed of his needs or of his sexual organs, has mounted the horse, which symbolizes his reign over animal nature.  Any man, activating his conscience, becomes as a little child, and thereby reigns over his unchecked passions.  He becomes renewed.  He may then lead forth his animal nature, his Devil-nature, not in captivity, which is repression, but in a state of perfect conformity.

In a spread we'll see sexual happiness, Cyprian contentment, fortunate unions; triumph and success in sexual endeavors; assured orgasms; completion of all copulations; pleasure in simple sex; healthy coition.

This card further shows the transition from the love of this world, to the Love of the World to Come.

Reversed this is still a great card, there may just be delays in gratification.

-excerpted from ''The Sexual Key to the Tarot'' by Theodor Laurence

Sexual Key To The Tarot: XVIII THE MOON

The MOON is a warning in a sexual reading.  Here we see reflected light and dimmed knowledge foreshadowing naive indulgences in the perverse.  We also see the depths with the water and the animals, these deeper aspects to sexuality....wolves then the even lower crayfish/crab....hideous sexual tendencies....animal natures vs. creeping things.

This is an image of complex and hidden motives.  Mistaking action for progress, illusory love, scandal, hidden enemies, deceptive partners, errors in choosing a partner are a few of the tendencies here.  We'll see a time where there's fear of love and, like a lamb to the slaughter, can be easily led into horrible sexual relationships.  Aloneness becomes an enemy.

Perversions are an escape, an escape from loneliness, and this is where action is confused for progress. (The perversions being pyromania, paraphilia, pedophilia, sadomasochism)

Reversed we see that we have risen above our darker escapist loneliness fueled destructive fantasies.  Peace overcomes us, sexual visions become reality, calmness of the libido, victory of conscience and self-mastery over base passions.  We see and feel the moon phase of love winning out over fears.

The Sexual Key to the Tarot: XVII THE STAR

The 7 white stars, of lesser magnitude than the 8th, signify the seven aspects of man's sexuality: infantilism, narcissism, fetishism, perversion, desire, passion, love.  The eighth star symbolizes the radiant stage of man's sexuality, and it incorporates all seven of the lesser aspects in perfect unity and balance and it signifies sexual maturity.

The motto of this card is, ''The fluids of life freely given.''

The Star nature has been everywhere and done everything and has learned well from its experiences.  This nature is the true lover.  If a partner has a fetish he or she is not punished for it.  The mere fact of fetishism is cultivated and the sexual relationship is thereby greatly enhanced.  The Star nature makes their mate feel truly wanted, needed, and loved.  This nature promises sexual bliss.

This is a lover who doesn't get upset over partners' fetishes; cultivates them and the relationship is strengthened.

No sex act is denied.

Fetishism, perversion, narcissism--these and more are utilized expertly and in tactful doses, enriching the sex acts and ultimately the relationshp.

The Star nautue is one of hope and good luck, a light in anyone's life, truly a star in the long night of bed-hopping.

In a reading:  Love of sex, physical love; sexual harmony; erotic inspiration; new perception of physical and sexual things; good health; virility; strength and potency; new lease on life; hope and bright sexual prospects.

Reversed this card is an examination of these themes, but not the full acceptance of them...yet.

-excerpted from ''The Sexual Key to the Tarot'' by Theodor Laurence

Sexual Key To The Tarot: XVI THE TOWER

In a reading about sex if this card shows up we'll see a Tower nature that has been riding high sexually at the expense of others.  Because this nature's sexual habits and propensities are damaging to others, a price must be paid for its enforced and stolen joys.  A harvest of ill-gotten orgasms, no matter how enjoyable at the time, requires the rapacious recipient to pay.

Cessation of sexual activities; loss of sexual prowess and power; sexual abuse abruptly halted; castration; STI's, STD's; shattered dreams of sexual fame (a porn actress has dream of Fame shattered); self-imposed celibacy; disgrace; ruin; adversity; distress misery.

It can also mean: Freedom from the bonds of lust; re-evaluation of one's mores; and the end of sexual slavery; sudden and rejuvenating love.

Unless Love erect the penis (clit); they labor in vain who erect it.  We'll see the Tower card as the ruination of concepts/practices that were harmful, ultimately.

--excerpted from ''The Sexual Key to the Tarot'' by Theodor Laurence

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sexual Key To The Tarot: XV THE DEVIL

On a day ruled by The Devil card we see an image of a man and a woman who give up their right to wholesome sexuality.  The Devil is an image of the baser side of humanity, symbolizing raw sexual hunger, lust, inordinate desires, perversion, evil thoughts, desires, and deeds.  Here, sex is its own justification.  The darkness suggests secrecy.

The Devil nature, as opposed to the nature of Temperance, always bites off more than he or she can chew.  This nature seeks orgasms compulsively, mistaking quantity for quality, fucking indiscriminately.  Orgasm is god and nothing stands in the way of that fact. (Nothing, not marriage, age, gender, species....)

The Devil card is the card of nymphomaniacs, satyrs, the incestuous, the hypersexuals, those who may have an acceptable way of life but whose thoughts harbor evil seductions and daily think on perverse fantasies.

In a reading this is the image of Triumph by Deceit; sex and seductions gotten through trickery and falsehood.  Sexual triumph will be followed by punishment.

Reversed the image tells of not being so drained by these passions.  These sexual hungers still leave the room required to pay attention to the needs of others.  Making amends and taking the necessary steps to approach sexuality with less compulsion.

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